The Palestinians have begun to learn a very important lesson. One that Gandhi preached and practiced following in the footsteps of one Jesus of Nazareth. While the Palestinians have every right to be angry and an unquestionable right to fight for their right to exists without the oppression of a merciless occupation force, the methods Palestinian freedom fighters have employed have proven to be fruitless over the last few decades. Resorting to violence and terrorism never got anyone anything, nor does a nation stand firmly when its foundations are socked with blood. Violent methods also delegitimize an otherwise just cause, especially when the casualties are innocent civilians, women, children, elderly and peace loving individuals, not just because its bad for public relations, but because the murder of innocents is out right wrong (haram), and unacceptable.
The way to peace is through peaceful means. The majority of Palestinians are Muslims, but Islam is a religion that reveres Jesus, Isa as he is known in the Arabic language, thus the teaching of Jesus are integral to Islam. One of the most important teachings of Jesus is the way of peace and love. Both powerful ideas, more powerful than any weapon that exists, and never destructive or a merciless destroyer of life. Peace is the right path that the Palestinians should embrace in order to achieve statehood and force an appropriate peace deal with the Israeli government that is bent has so far succeeded by painting the Palestinians as a violent and terroristic people and used readily available proof of indiscriminate suicide bombings to de-legitimize the Palestinian claim for a land that the Israeli government has no intention to give up.
Deny the Israeli propaganda machine these facts which they use as ammunition to de-legitimize the Palestinians with, by rising up to the challenge of a peaceful revolution. The best way to deal with a bully is not to hit him back but to confront him as peacefully as possible with his wrong doing.
Now, if only Hamas can learn this lesson too and realize that their militant ways have achieved nothing more than the death, destruction, and devastation of the Palestinians people.
The road to peace can only be achieved through peace. A lesson that the Israeli decision makers should take measure of and learn for themselves also.
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