The question though who is he offering this amnesty to? To the protesters whom have been protesting and demanding what is rightfully theirs? The Syrian people whom have lived under the oppressiveness of the regime most of their lives? The Syrian people who have been subjected to torture and random abduction long before the protested started? The Syrian people who did no more than blog about the conditions in syria and edned up being charged with espionage and convicted and sent to prison like Tal al-Mallohi, too young to believe that she, a veiled Muslim girl, could doing any sort of spying for the west? Or maybe the amnesty is for Hamza and Thamer, the 13 and 15 year old kids (respectively) who where abducted, tortured, mutilated, castrated and then cold bloodily murdered? Or is the amnesty for those soldiers who refused to abide by the regime's criminal orders to kill the people, the soldiers who did their duty and defended the people rather than the regime and who where summarily executed for treason against the regime?
I think Bashar the Butcher has lost it. It is he and his minions and thugs that need the amnesty not the people they are attempting to subjugate. It is he and his thugs who stand accused of crimes against humanity. He and his father before him. He and his brother Maher, who commands the troops who have been ravaging one Syrian town after the other.
Amnesty? It is the regime that should be begging for clemency from the people and not the other way around. Bashar should get down on his knees before his people and realize once and for all that he is an unwanted failure of a tyrant who has no place or business in Syria nor Lebanon.
Amnesty? for all the crimes that the regime has committed since its inception? Hama, Lebanon, the thousands upon thousands disappeared long before the revolution started.
Amnesty? for whom? These life long criminals who belong to the regime? I don't think so and I don't think that the Syrian people think so either. Bashar will eventually fall. The opposition should keep insisting upon it until it is done and Syria is fee once and for all.
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