Israeli opision leader MK Tzipi Livni (not that i care much for her or her policies but...), giving a speach to the World Jewish Congress, highlights what many know to be true. The obstacel to peace is not the palestinians, not the unity deal between the PA and Hamas, not the Palestinian push to declare state hood by this september, but rather Israli Prime Minsiter Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu and his coalition of far right Israeli parties and elements.
Was there any doubt to begin with? Those who are knowledgeable, who read the news, who know the history of the place, know this fact all too well. These same knowledgeable people also know that Israel has the largest and most powerful lobby in the USA. These same people know, for a fact, that Israel has been successfully subverting the Palestinians through the use of their powerful propaganda machine that has successively painted the Palestinians as the only bad guys in this game. I will not ever condone the barbaric acts of Palestinian extremist elements but when ever these elements exists it usually denotes a much deeper problem that is purposefully misunderstood and intentionally distorted by those who wield power. Israel has a powerful propaganda machine and it has been in place far longer than is believed.
Natanyahu's problem is that he is far too small minded and thinks only of short term gains; how will he stay in power when his base of support is that of the far right, themselves extremist elements that would rather see the Palestinians vanish in their arrogant and misguided belief that the holy land belongs soly to the Jewish Israelis. Natanyahu's supporters, the majority of them, are a bunch of racist bigots who give credit to an apartheid rule.
These are the supporters who deny Jewish converts their right to be recognized as Jews. These are the same right wing bigots who decided that the children of migrant workers should be summarily deported.
Heed not the lies of Natanyahu and his apartheid coalition of ultra-right wing bigots, for they, in their selfish and ignorant pursuit for personal gain and racist ways, will bring nothing but turmoil to an already devestated region.
The need for peace is urgent. The need for peace is now. If there is going to be any hope in deflecting Iran and their nuclear ambitions and their incessant interference in the region, especially in Lebanon then there needs to be a real and final peace deal now. If Hezbollah and Hamas are to be diminished, there needs to be a real and final peace deal now.
If the Israeli government does not seize this opportunity right now, then the tides of change sweeping the area, the Arab Spring that has made life difficult for the tyrants who also never wanted peace, will force the region to be worse than it was before.
I keep hoping that the real Israeli people, those who wish for real peace, those who know the truth behind the propaganda machine of their right wing government, will be inspired by the Arab Spring and start their own protests in favor of peace and the unification of the semetic people. for those who do not know; Arabs and Jews are both of the semetic tribe.
We need peace right now. not tomorrow, not 10 years form now. we need a final peace deal NOW!
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