Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Evolution of an Idea.

“Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.” The words uttered by Julius Robert Oppenheimer, sometime after he helped create the first atomic bomb and finally realized the Pandora’s box he had opened. Greek mythology credits a female called Pandora with opening a box that let out all that was evil into the world. The words are from the Hindu scriptures known as the “Bhagavad Gita”, a conscientious precursor to Machiavelli’sThe Prince”. Yet the truth is that man is a week creature not accustomed to accepting failure, thus the unleashing of all evil was scapegoated upon poor unsuspecting Pandora, who, in her turn was but a pawn in the hands of the Olympian gods to upset the balance of nature and the wisdom of an early form of a Christ like figure, Prometheus, giver of the flame of knowledge, a possible minor equivalent to the biblical eve and the tree of knowledge.

Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds. The words ring in my ears as I witness the events of the world unfolding before my senses. An Arab Spring, an African American president, hacktivists, anonymous internet revolt, these represent the hope that remained when all evil escaped “Pandora’s” Box, faced against war, famine, greed, bigotry, in-humanity, and retardation of human evolution.

“Where is God?... God is dead… we Killed him…” wrote Nietzsche, and the world misunderstood his meaning and others, including Hitler, latched on to what they never understood. Used to it to their malcontent end. “Gott ist tot” “God is dead” Killed by the crusades, and the jihads, and the hypocrisy, and the lies of the church, the mosque, the synagogue, and all the politicians who used the, what was once the purity of faith in something greater than humanity, to their own personal worldly ends, killing god, killing faith, leaving humanity devoid of its soul and place.

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, are all part of the same idea. Islam sprang out of Christianity, the prophet, and all prophets must be mad (a compliment rather than an insult), Mohammad was inspired by the teachings of the original gospels of Christianity, Jesus was a Jew who benefited from the trade of ideas with Hindu and Buddhist ideologies traveling along the roots of the world’s communication systems. Roads, caravans, merchants of ideas and manufactured products, like Mohammad thought to bring a positive change to his community and the world, amending the understanding of the Jewish texts in time and space. Though Judaism is not even the beginning, for the idea of faith goes back to when we were cave dwellers and maybe even before. Humanities attempt to explain the unexplainable and to describe the feeling of ones and individuality within the context of their understanding of the world. Everything is relative. Our perspective is relative. The seed of this idea has existed far longer than is believed, yet we fight to enforce which is the most riotous faith of all…… non, though few have grasped this idea yet.

Religion is no the only idea that has evolved over the long stretch of time and space beyond recorded history, all the way back to the origin of the vast universe in which we, insignificantly, live in. The uprising of the downtrodden, the peasants, the lower class, the poor, the oppressed who wish to learn and be enlightened and prosper with dignity and humanity.

God is dead, we have killed him, and in so doing we have doomed ourselves. Not that god is important but because we have, in our selfish pursuits of God, and godly ambitions, destroyed our own humanity. Just look at the news today and understand that we have gone astray and our ideas are in desperate need of evolving beyond the status quo that we cling on to with dear life, stifling our own evolution and enlightenment.

The world is about to change. The tidal waves of change will be unrelenting. The down trodden are rising up against slavery of the mind, body and soul. one way or the other, every evolutionary revolt has succeeded and will continue to do so…. So brace yourselves for the coming winds of eternal change.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Turning Point

Is this the turning point? For Israel, for the Palestinians, for the US, for the world? The Arab Spring was the first sign of the massive worldwide change that is almost upon or door step? Maybe the Mayans where right. Maybe what we are about to witness will be the end of the world as we know it. As we know it from our current unenlightened and single minded perspective. What if everything was about to change? EVERYTHING. Surely any change is an end of what we know. But like anything and everything in the universe, there exists a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. A star lives its life until it consumes all its fuels and then explodes in a massive super nova ball of fire from which a nebula is born, a nebula from which new stars are born. With every death there are more reborn. Life falling into death and death falling into life. The hunter and the goddess. Everything is changing everything else. All falling together in to a spiral of eternity.

Not a circle, for in a circle we relive all that was exactly as it was. And ‘was’ becomes ‘is’. We relive all that is, exactly as it is. The universe is not like that. The universe, everything in it, moves like a spiral, everything keeps repeating itself, all ideas are recycled, evolution moves towards improvement, everything changes, everything is in fact repeated, but everything is repeated differently. Similar, but not the same. Always different, yet the same. 

So yes. Change is coming. It has happened before and it shall happen again. The same story, but with different actors, more refined script, yet the same. Those who resist change have historically always been crushed by the weight of time.

A big change is coming, that much is obvious between the world’s two most dominant ideologies. Conservatism vs. liberalism. Conservatism holds back and resist change, always working against the due process of evolution and thus fighting back the inevitable. The only thing that is inevitable is perpetual change. Which we try to measure by units we call time, but time is a matter of perspective; A Teran year is shorter than a Jovian year and longer than a Mercurian year. Time is not absolute nor is it finite nor is it infinite. Time is a perception. A measure of constantly moving perspectives. This is the tsunami that those who resist change have to survive. 

And what are we at the universal scale where we are nothing more than subatomic particles by sheer contrast and similarity in scale over space and time.

Change is inevitable. We have two choices, either explode, then implode and become black holes, which some dying stars that are too massive for their own good end up being. A black whole, the sheer powerful pull of something greater than gravity. Death incarnate. The definition of absence of light. A monster from which there is no escape not even for light. Or die gracefully as brilliant super nova turned into a nebula, a star nursery. But who is to say that life does not begin with a black hole. Out of chaos comes order and of order comes chaos. An eternal spiral of change. A spiral galaxy, a local cluster of galaxies, a super cluster of galaxies with a heart, a black hole.

From life comes death and from death comes life. A cycle from our perspective but really a spiral because though everything is the same everything is also not the same. Change is coming. This September will get interesting but it is in 2012 that much of what is happening now will erupt like a volcano and change everything forever. Not the end of the world in a biblical sense, but the end of the world as we know it consciously. Just as forever also has an end. To see things like conflicts as ancient repetitions of the same thing, will repeat itself but never the same

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Norway under fire

It really stumps my mind every time someone commits an atrocity on any scale. My thoughts go out to the victims and families of this heinous act. 

Anders Behring Breivik, 32, carried out a double, premeditated act of terror against his fellow country men and women. He has already admitted to the attacks and has stated that it was "necessary" to carry out such a terrible act and claims that all his reason shall be made public when the court hearing starts. 

His Facebook page already draws an unkind picture of him. He associates with the likes of bigoted groups like the English Defence League and Geert Wilders' Freedom Party. These are ultra-nationalist groups who believe tin the superiority of their race and culture over that of others, which ever way they wish to describe themselves, bigotry, really, is the only word that truly describes the true face of these so called nationalists.  Breivik, a conservative, took maters in to his own hands and attempted to illuminate as many non-conservative thinking compatriots as possible , first with a bomb and then by shouting indiscriminately at a crowed of Labor Party youth activists.

All that Breivik wanted to really accomplish was to put himself in the spot light and earn his 15minuts of infamy. He wanted to get the attention of the nation and by doing so has also gained the attention of the world. I am sure his intentions are to bolster support for his  anti "cultural Marxists/ multiculturalist traitors" agenda. But alas, I believe what will be accomplished by his act of terror is to wake people up and make them realize that ultra-nationalists and bigoted conservatives are a mistake and can be compared with the bigoted conservatives and ultra Islamist of al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and all those who carry out acts of terror against innocent civilians.  What Breivik may have accomplished with his madness is to turn the tied against this wave of ultra conservatism and nationalism that now threatens to drown Europe.  

There are better ways, more peaceful ways, more appropriate ways, to catch the attention of the world and media than to commit a crime so hideous that the lives of the innocent are painted with sorrow of their flowing blood.  Hate never wins.  Hate may oppress, hate my silence, but hate can never win.

What is wrong with this world is that the education system, along with the unchecked bigotry of corrupt politicians, and single minded religious clerics, not to mention the worsening economic situation of the world, have all contributed to the demise and erosion of our humanity.  I hope the world wakes up now and realizes that an end to this madness is demanded and desired immediately. drop all your weapons and march in solidarity with peace and the flowing blood of innocence. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Natanyahu The Mad usurper of peace.

I seam to be on a "MAD" tangent... but here goes anyway.......

If what CIA man Robert Baer Sais is true; That the current rightwing Israeli government is planning on attacking Iran's nuclear facilities this fall, then for certain, the world will be going to hell. For those of you who think the world has already gone to hell I tell you that what is coming if the Israelis do attack Iran is far worse than anything we have seen so far.

The Israelis, without thinking of the consequences, plan to do this attack as a way to divert attention and swart the efforts of the Palestinian declaration of statehood expected this September. Undoubtedly the US will be forcibly drawn in to this war.

The Israelis are once again pursuing the wrong approach out of their arrogance and unwillingness to compromise for the cause of peace. Netanyahu’s rightwing government would rather condemn the world to darkness rather than make peace with the Palestinians, as they should have done more than a decade ago. At the same time Netanyahu’s government has greedily consolidated its maritime borders and annexed what should be Lebanese waters all because they, the Israelis, are too greedy to share the natural resources beneath these waters with the Lebanese state which is in desperate need of those resources to bring itself out of the chaos it exists in. 

Netanyahu the mad man is willing to plunge the entire world in to chaos out of nothing more than sheer greed. Anyone who claims that this is an action being taken in "self defense" or to "insure the security" of Israel is deluded. The way to security is through peace, the way to peace is through mutual compromise and not through the two faced statements of agreeing to appear to negotiate for peace while on the other hand doing all that is possible to make swart peace, as the Netanyahu government showed us with the case of the illegal continuation of settlement expansion on land that is internationally agreed to belong to the Palestinians.

A war with Iran right now would also swart the efforts of the Arab spring as the "greater Zionist enemy" (so referred to by Arab leaders and zealots) will once again be used as an excuse to subjugate the people as the Assad regime so appallingly does. It would also silence the growing voice of decent in Iran where people are increasingly getting fed up with tyrannical regime. It is abundantly clear that Netanyahu has no interest in fostering peace and would prefer to have the old tyrannical regimes of Al-Assad and Mubarak over a democratic and peaceful Arab world. Thus Netanyahu not only is greedy for recourses and contemptuous of peace but also a supporter of tyranny and a hypocrite who would be willing to support the very enemies that threaten him just for the unjust purpose of wrongfully "insuring the security of Israel" at the cost of the freedom, dignity, and blood of the Arab people who have rallied behind the call of democracy. Netanyahu is the usurper of the people’s aspirations; he will succeed where Bin Ali, Moubarak, Gadafi, Saleh, and Assad failed.

Iran is not Afghanistan, nor is it Iraq. The consequences of war with Iran will be dyer and sever. It could spark the third world war, but it will certainly increase and revitalize terrorist activities which have over the last few years dwindled, especially after the beginning of the Arab Spring.

Netanyahu the mad man is about to plunge us in to a world financial depression that will make the Great Depression seem like a walk in the park.

Against all reason and against the advice of even his own high-ranking military and intelligence officers, and against the advice of the USA that supplies and equips Netanyahu’s war machine much in the way that Iran supplies and equips Hezbollah, against peace, against any valid reason, the mad man, the war monger Netanyahu is about to deliver, not just the region, but the entire world in to the unrelenting clutches of darkness and chaos. There, I have said it, the IDF is not any better than Hezbollah.

People! Where ever you are, please writing to your governments and ask your policy makers to stop this madness before it begins for the sake of humanity and the future of our children. We have had enough wars. Where is the peace we were promised... whatever happened to "never again" or are these just convenient words to be used when it is necessary and to be ignored at free will? 

Stow away your guns and give us peace. Stop the madness NOW. Send Netanyahu, the mad man, a clear, but peaceful message; we will not support your madness or your war.

Friday, July 15, 2011

I am going Mad

Mad with the desire to be consumed in the flames of passion, yet the flames are out of my reach. 
I feel my body stirring. I know I am about to explode in to a brilliant ball of light.  

The longing of my heart, consumed in those flames, yearns for to be lost in the oblivion of her eyes. consumed, my soul yearns, to warp it self around the giver of life, the light that haunts my dreams and humbles me before the ecstasy of her power over me. 

I am going mad, anticipating her next move. will she accept me, bring my cold body in to the warmth of her terrifying heart?  willfully I await my destruction. will she deny me, and thus condemn me to in to Hades care? I know not and care not for I am lost in the oblivion of her eyes.

Will she ignite my passionate heart like a star born in the loins of of Andromeda's nebulous womb?

will she deliver me from the madness that now consumes me? my body yearns for the touch of her soul, scorching as it may be, engulfing my love in her eternal embrace.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Way I Write

I have come to an important realization. I started this blog in an effort to vent my emotional frustrations born out of reading the news or every day events that make me cringe with emotional pain. The idea is a good exercise for me, a dyslexic who learns everything intuitively and more poignantly learns everything emotionally.  

My moods swing as a result external emotional stimuli which triggers my complicated brain mechanism. Complicated not necessarily superior but capable of performing in unique ways that others cannot.

My emotions are intense and I try to keep them at bay as best I can. But under such constant emotional pressure I need to vent it somehow or ells I will pay for it dearly with physical illness. I am a nonviolent person, I would like to think of myself as a pacifist and for the most part I am.

So writing was the obvious choice for many reasons. It would help me improve my writing skills which I depend upon a lot, and it would allow me to find a way to communicate my thoughts and ideas better since I have such a hard time doing it verbally that I am fed up of being miscomprehended most of the time. My perspective is usually so strange that no one quit gets it until after some time when they get to the same conclusions i have but which i had a hard time explaining coherently. 

Even at work they call me the mar man because of my strange ideas and advice which at first are dismissed until something happens that makes them realize my idea was not so farfetched after all. 

More than anything, writing would help me vent all those emotions that i keep under lock and key. 

Wonderful idea. Except for one problem. I have fallen into what I call the bureaucrat trap, where I am spending more time writing things in a method that would be more likely to be understood by someone else. 

This little realization has prompted me to remember that I am not like this. That I am expressing my self the wrong way. Well using the wrong method at least. 

Describing the process of a brain that functions emotionally is difficult. Describing an emotional thought is just as difficult if not more. I use the tools at my disposal, news articles, research, and citations, all of which I generally refer to as clutter when I write. I use them to describe how i feel about specific issues. 

But this method defeats some of the purposes behind the reasons for writing. It takes away from my essence because I am too focused on getting it all right and in format. This is not me. I write emotionally, connected rather than detached from the subject. What i have been writing is charged but missing the point.

But nothing goes to waste. Something good is always learned from a perceived mistake. Now, I have to set onto an effort that would shift me back to my more serene form of writing and not worry whether any one will connect with it or even like it.

My emotional thoughts need to come out more as myself.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Brain Has crashed.

My brain has crashed with the overload of information of news, thoughts, and feelings.  The hard thing about reading the news is that I get too worked up, especially when I see horrible situations that could, or rather should, be better.  I have always dreamed that I can help change the world for the better.  But I realized long ago that the world will go as it wills and not as we would have it. Still that does not stop me from trying and getting so worked up that I loose perspective and myself in an endless spiral of disparity and despair.

Its time reboot my brain.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Gaza Flotilla hampered by political manoeuvring

Israel seems to be not only "allegedly" involving itself in cross-national attempts of sabotage, as witnessed last week, but also exerting a harsh diplomatic effort to prevent the flotilla from reaching Gaza. 

Obviously, the Israelis do not want a repeat of last year’s fiasco and are thus trying their best to prevent the Flotilla from sailing on to its intended purpose. If the Flotilla does move and reach Israeli waters, all eyes are going to be fixed on the way Israel handles this event with great scrutiny, not something the Israelis want. To the extent that the Flotilla might actually succeed when they find that the Israeli forces are being cautiously timid in front of the eyes of the media. 

Israel has recently attempted to discredit the Flotilla by spinning its propaganda machine as best it could. A video, allegedly made by a gay participant claiming that the Flotilla organizers rejected his participation on the grounds of his sexual orientation and accusing the organizers of being Hamas lovers, turned out to be a hoax that involved an Israeli entrepreneur and some Israeli public servant. The flotilla organizers have repeatedly said that any one, no matter their sexual, racial or whatever orientation, can participate in the Flotilla. 

Among the participants is a Jewish holocaust survivor and another is a former Israeli air force pilot. One would think that this sends a clear message to the Israeli government that this is a legitimate Flotilla carrying aid and activist, not weapons, not terrorists, just peace loving human beings. 

Now, Israel seems to have succeeded in exerting enough diplomatic pressure on an already embattled, to prevent all Gaza Flotilla ships from leaving port. One US ship, The Audacity of Hope, had set sail when it was accosted by Greek cost guards and commando units with guns who forced them back to port. 

Will the Flotilla sail? Or will the covert activities of the Israeli government prevail. 

For some reason this incident reminds me of the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior. I hope that we do not see a repeat.