It really stumps my mind every time someone commits an atrocity on any scale. My thoughts go out to the victims and families of this heinous act.
Anders Behring Breivik, 32, carried out a double, premeditated act of terror against his fellow country men and women. He has already admitted to the attacks and has stated that it was "necessary" to carry out such a terrible act and claims that all his reason shall be made public when the court hearing starts.
His Facebook page already draws an unkind picture of him. He associates with the likes of bigoted groups like the English Defence League and Geert Wilders' Freedom Party. These are ultra-nationalist groups who believe tin the superiority of their race and culture over that of others, which ever way they wish to describe themselves, bigotry, really, is the only word that truly describes the true face of these so called nationalists. Breivik, a conservative, took maters in to his own hands and attempted to illuminate as many non-conservative thinking compatriots as possible , first with a bomb and then by shouting indiscriminately at a crowed of Labor Party youth activists.
All that Breivik wanted to really accomplish was to put himself in the spot light and earn his 15minuts of infamy. He wanted to get the attention of the nation and by doing so has also gained the attention of the world. I am sure his intentions are to bolster support for his anti "cultural Marxists/ multiculturalist traitors" agenda. But alas, I believe what will be accomplished by his act of terror is to wake people up and make them realize that ultra-nationalists and bigoted conservatives are a mistake and can be compared with the bigoted conservatives and ultra Islamist of al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and all those who carry out acts of terror against innocent civilians. What Breivik may have accomplished with his madness is to turn the tied against this wave of ultra conservatism and nationalism that now threatens to drown Europe.
There are better ways, more peaceful ways, more appropriate ways, to catch the attention of the world and media than to commit a crime so hideous that the lives of the innocent are painted with sorrow of their flowing blood. Hate never wins. Hate may oppress, hate my silence, but hate can never win.
What is wrong with this world is that the education system, along with the unchecked bigotry of corrupt politicians, and single minded religious clerics, not to mention the worsening economic situation of the world, have all contributed to the demise and erosion of our humanity. I hope the world wakes up now and realizes that an end to this madness is demanded and desired immediately. drop all your weapons and march in solidarity with peace and the flowing blood of innocence.
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