Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Money Is The Root Of All Evil.

Money is the root of all evil. Short of sounding like some sort of litany from some sort of obscure religious text, or, more likely, some sort of old cliché. But there is a lot of truth in these words. Money. Currency. We are driven by it all. By this system. Capitalism. Profit. Greed. Every day we wake up and head off to the office, or the field, or whatever, and we try to make a living within a system that is anything but egalitarian. Just to pay the bills. To survive. To live the way we like. Some have it easy. Some have it hard. Some have it in ludicrous quantities. Some have nothing of it at all.

In a world where poverty still exits. In a world where it all makes perfect sense when expressed in terms of currency. In a world where we have to struggle with this system to feel human. What madness is this? We do not need money to live. We need food. We need shelter. We need comfort. We do not need money to evolve. We need know age. We need awareness. We need understanding. 

Statistics show that one day the world will run out of many resources that we currently take for granted. Food . oil. Water. We give it all value. We value it according to supply and demand. But maybe we should measure it according to need. Why should a small percentage of the world population hold the majority of its wealth when the majority of the people live in lesser standards? When a sizable portion of the population live in absolute deprivation? We call it luck. We call it competence. We call it anything under the sun yet we avoid calling it what it really is. In-human. Un-egalitarian. Bigotry. Yes! To be wealthy and expect people to do your biding is yet another form of bigotry. 

The system we live in has transformed this world in to a shape of ugliness. Why should poverty exist? Why should people live in poverty? Why can’t we feed those who are starving? Surly some of us live in absolute luxury never worrying about what choice of food they will have today. Many people have no choice what so ever. Many people... Many humans have no choice of having any food toady. This is the result of a world that thinks in nothing more than numbers…. Cost… price…. 

Are we equal? The last time I checked the charter of human rights belonged to ALL humans.. Not just the rich.. Not just the wealthy.. not just the well-off… do not be fooled in to thinking that the capitalist dreams provides just that. The minute you start making more money, someone is making less. The minute you decide that you can afford to have the luxuries of your desire there are those that have nothing whatsoever. No shelter from weather. No food to fill the belly. No luxury to be free. 

Why do we still hold on to this unmanageable system? Why do we still allow this unjust and un-humanitarian system to thrive? money is the root of much of the world’s evil. Just look at the war economy and you will see how this system has stifled progress. 

Can you imagine world without money? Sadly the majority of the world can not imagin this. We have grown up learning that money makes the world go round and that without it nothing can happen…. We would have nothing without money…. That may be true in a world where currency is the norm. but what if we eliminate the entire system and replace it with something more elaborate, all encompassing, a system that would not leave anyone behind. How would we achieve this? What would the world be like if we do? Many will dismiss this notion as “idealistic”.. which is true… but it can be implemented…. If we start thinking outside the money box. 

Again I ask. Can you imagine a world that does not rely on money?

The Syrian Regime is Fighting Terorists by Torturing and Killing 13 year olds?

When a tyrannical regime begins torturing and killing children as young as 13 years old, accusing them of being agents of terrorist organisations, one begins to wonder how sane that regime is.

Hamza al Khateeb was a decent young man who embodied the kindness and hospitality of the Arab youth.  Hamza, put others, even strangers and especially those less fortunate, before himself. a 13 year old who shamed his parents in to giving a homeless person $2, not a fortune by western standards but for Syrians $2 can mean a descent meal.

for a long time we, the Arab people, have been told of the atrocities committed by the Israeli armed forces; the slaughter of children, women and elderly at the hands of the "zionists". Tal al Zaatar. Sabra and Shatila. Qana. the first and second Lebanon War. there is no doubt that the Israelis have killed mercilessly.  The images of Nour, a very young girl left burning in a car that was hit by an Israeli missile while trying to escape the 1996 Israli escalation in Lebanon.

we of the Arab world have witnessed much sorrow and heartache at the hands of the Israeli aggressors. yet. when a regime turns on its own people and begins to press them, force them in to submission at the end of a barrel of a gun or artillery. When a regime sends out its thugs, ignorant buffoons who think much of their lacking manhood, to capture underage peaceful protesters under the guise of battling "terrorist elements when they themselves, the regime, sponsor terrorist organisations, like Hezbollah, to fight their war, by proxy, against the Israelis  then this regime has gone way beyond the point of no return and signed its own death warrant.

Hamza, a good hearted 13 year old was pick off the streets protesting the intolerable opresion of a brutal regime.  Grown men, or supposed men ganged up on this chide, tied him up, beat him to a pulp, electrocuted him, extinguished their cigarette buts on his exposed skin, castrated him, shot him nay times to inflict maximum pain before cold bloodedly murding him, and then returning his mutilated child body to his parents.  what kind of men are these who take out their frustration on an innocent 13 yea old.  what did they think? that he was the leader of the Syrian uprising? that a 13 year old kindhearted village boy held all the secrets of the Syrian uprising?  did they think that torturing, mutilating, killing this innocent boy that they would thwart the uprising?  what was going through their ignorant pea brained minds?  to kill a child?  to torture him for fun? to butcher him as though he was nothing more than live stock?  did they take some perverse pleasure in inflicting this  child's agony?

if they think that this will frighten the people in to submission then they have been badly advised. the Syrians are only going to get angrier, and the angrier they get the worse the demise of the regime will be.  Basahr al Assad and his minions will be tried for crimes against humanity one day... very soon...

there exists a Facebook page for Hamaza.... let us never forget....

Friday, May 27, 2011

Prominent Israelis Push for the Recognition of Palestine

I have been reading Israeli news papers for a while now. long enough to know and understand that they, like us, have had enough of the war and wish for real peace.

we need more mutual efforts like this from both sides.  people standing up for what is right without resorting to violent means.

peace is the only defensible option for both the Palestinians and the Israelis....... nothing is black and white.... between these two diametrically oposed colors lies and ocean made up of the shades of gray that run between them

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

US says Hamas must recognize Israel and renounce terorisem

so the mighty US has spoken and, for once, I agree in principle with this thought.

Right now, the best thing Hamas could do for the cause of the Palestinian people is to actually recognize Israel, as there is no logical or realistic way that Israel is going to cease to exists, the proverbial ignored pink elephant flying all around the room, must now be faced. with honesty and honor. condoning and conducting the murder of innocent children, women and elderly citizens of Israel is no better than the merciless slaughter of Palestinian children, women, and elderly citizens. Hamas would be no better than the IDF and certianly very un-Islamic if it contijnues to condone and conduct such barberous acts. it is time to face the facts; Israel is not going to go away; killing inocent children, women and elderly is unjustifiable and will never acomplish anything significant what soever. it is time for Hamas to wake up and realize that the now have an opertunity. An opportunity, befor all public eyes, to take this extended hand and cornrner the isralies in to submiting to the international pressure being aplied to it. if the Israeli's want to make Hamas a point of foucuse so that they may not bow to international pressure and never have peace, for surely for most of the arab wolrd it is obvious that Natanyahou does not want peace, but what better way to humiliate him by calling his bluff and proving him absolutely wrong in the public opinion of the international comunity. I hope Hamas realises that this is porbably the best way to expose all the Israeli government's lies. 

Recognize Israel. renouce violance. make yourselves advocates of peace in the name of all the arab world who has grown sick and weary of this blood conflict that has raged for to long. put an end to American hegemony and Israeli lies but not with violance.. not with terorisem.. but by exposing their lies by proving them wrong in the most peaceful of processes ever. take this bald step Hamas... for the good of the Palestinian people who deserve peace and closure. you fear that you will loose leverage against Israel by doing so but i tell you that your methods have made you loose far more than that. that what ever leverage you think you may have is just an illusion. violence is never, and will never be, a tool that will achive anything other than death and more death. for all....

Hamas must realize that and opertunity like this does not knock twice. and i would remind Hamas to look around them and realize and understand what is happening in the Arab world to day and understand that tyranny and violance will no longer be tolarated and that if hamas continues on the path it is on it will undoubtedly be, one day, brought down like the regimes of moubark and Ben Ali, and like the immenant downfall of the Qadafi, Saleh and Assad regimes. 

it is time for Hamas to wake up. the time for Hamas to wake up is now. now more than ever. think of the future. think of your children and their children. do you want them to see nothing but violence for the rest of their lives? 

yes the Palestinian people have been wronged. yes they have been thrown out of their homes and robed of their dignnity and stathood. but if you continue down the path of violance you will not, nor will your children and their children, ever regain anything but suffering. 

i am not saying that you should not resists the Israeli's. i am not saying you should not fight them. but do it the intelligent way... not with weapons. not with terror. not with violence. but with wisdom. with peace. with brilliance.. far to long you have played in totheri hands. you thought yourselves masters becuse you caried weapons and killed many of them.. but little did you understand that this is what they wanted, the isralie politicians, it suited them becuse they got you branded as terorists, which by your own acts and religion you most certainly are. and although you may have thought that you where winning against them by kiling them.. all you have ever accomplished my dear Hamas, is to further delegitmis the claim of the palestinian people and further degrade their condition. yes it is Israel that did much of the killing and much of the destroying but you have played in to their hand and have so far always proven them right in the eyes of the international community which you may not ignore anymore... not in the 21st century... not eith almost 7 billion humans inhabiting this earth.... Hamas.. this is your chance to redeem yourselves... stop playing in to the hands of the Israeli's and stop destroying the hope of the noble palestinian people.... the isrealies are counting on the fact that you will not meat their demands... they are counting on creating a rift, yet again, between you and the Palestinian authority. prove them wrong... disappoint them... agree to this demand and see how the isralie government will have no choice but to comply.

sigh... i wish they would listen to me but sadly... and i hope to be presently disappointed.... Hamas will not agree to such a thing and will yet again play in to the hands of the Israeli propaganda machine and then we will be back to square one..... the Israeli's will win and Natanyahou will be happy in the knolage that peace will never come... so he may win a local political victory... at what cost natanyou? at what cost? drop this sharade of yours already.

The World is Waking Up

Arabs revolutionariness are no longer alone. slowly but surly there is a world movement made up of the youth and of freethinking liberal people. Jewish people are standing up and protesting Israeli defence policy against the Palestinians   people are not afraid anymore and people have had enough of the lies that govern our world. the world of freethinkers want positive change and a move away from the appalling clock and dagger politics that have ruined the lives of many innocent people.

Anonymous, the internet group is slowly growing and i think no one is taking them seriously yet... what they will evolve into is a good question but i like the direction they are going.. i may disagree with some of their ideas but i understand why those ideas are in place... for instance... i am not against a centralized bank of information on all our activities.  as long as this information is not accessed by anyone other than ourselves and/or without our connect.  there are many benefits to such a system; medical records that can be easily accessed by any doctor taking over from another, for a dyslexic like me it serves as a secondary memory bank because we are too forgetful, facilitation of government applications and down time etc.. but this kind of tool can easily be used for all the wrong reasons in the wrong hands and who in their right mind would trust a government that thinks the people are there to serve it and not the other way around (this spells every government on plant earth btw.. not just the dictators)  anyway... anonymous is growing and one day there will be a new nation born...  on the internet... with citizenship and all... and its not the first time this was attempted... the pirate bay has tried before... they have not failed but the time was not right... things are changing and eventually the world will have one citizenship and be free from tyranny, bigotry and corruption (or at least we hope so)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Netanyahu does not want peace

I did not expect anything spectacular from President Obama’s speech today. Nor was I impressed with his words unsupported by actions in the direction of those words. But what amused me was the reaction of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Calling the idea of borders based on the pre 1967 war “indefensible”. As if the Palestinians have any sort of military significance! against rock throwing, home cooked rocket lunching, humiliated population. Has Netanyahu forgotten the history of his own people that he should impose a similar kind of indignity against the Palestinians? Granted that the methods employed by the Palestinians are crude and barbaric at best, but let us be honest and look at the facts; These are a people who were displaced and denied their homeland. Why does that sound familiar? These where a people who were of the salt of the earth. Driven from their homes, denied their identity, and denied their dignity, murdered, slaughtered, children women and elderly alike. And I am not talking about the sematic people who follow the Judaic version of the Abrahamic laws; I am talking about the sematic people known as the Palestinians whom are also followers of the Abrahamic laws according to Jesus, Mohammad, and even Moses. 

The world has known and acknowledged the plight of the Jewish Semites, but the world has learned very little of the plight of the Arab Semites at the hands of the Jewish Semites, who themselves have endured atrocities beyond imagination. Both people are of the sematic race, which makes me resent the western understanding of the word to mean exclusively the Jewish people, which is not true. Arabs are Semites and they should not be denied their blood heritage which is the same as that of the Jewish people. 

Israel deserves the right to exist; there is no denying this fact. But this does not mean that the Palestinians should be denied their right to exist either. 

What Netanyahu has made abundantly clear is that he, and his government, has absolutely no interest in peace. 

Having said all of that, I am not someone who believes that the two-state solution is an ideal one. I believe in one unified country that is both Jewish and Palestinian. A secular state that does not discriminate against its population, living harmoniously as part of one united holy land. Jews, Christians, Arabs and atheists alike. All under the single umbrella of true secularism. 

But let us face the reality; there is too much bad blood between the two peoples that such a notion is not possible. With the Israelis vying hard to create a distinctly Jewish state while treating Arab Israelis as though they were, not second, but third class citizens and with the Palestinians filled with rage and anger at the indignity they have endured for the past 60 years or so, the notion of a single unified state is a long way from now. For now, the two-state solution is the best… but just for now. 

Just like the Israelis cannot be denied the right to exists, the Palestinians too deserve that right. It would seem to me that the Israelis and the USA have not yet learned the lesson of the Arab spring and continue to do things business as usual. This is a mistake and it will back fire on them drastically and violently. 

And once more, the USA is doing nothing but throw words around, words without meaning… peace is a word that they use loosely without meaning it. If the USA had any interest in peace they would stop vetoing UN resolutions against Israel when the majority of the world is saying “enough”. If the USA had any interest in peace they would stop sending aid to a murderous and racist Israel. Until when will the USA continue to favor regimes that are corrupt and atrocious only to fit the US national interests even at the cost of other human beings? Has the USA learned nothing from its own history? Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq, Yaman, Bahrain, Egypt…. 

Israel, that stands accused, alongside of Hamas, of crimes against humanity. The USA is doing nothing significant to insure mutual peace. The USA is only making efforts to insure peace for one side; the Israeli side, and the “pesky” Palestinians be demand. That will not make peace but sow the seed of resentment. In essence, the USA is supporting a racist regime unwilling to attempt true peace. A regime that thinks itself superior to all. The kind of bigoted superiority complex usually found with such groups as the WASPS, the KKK, and the apartheid regime of South Africa. Way to go America, for you have learned nothing from your own history or the deaths of countless civil rights activists like Martin Luther king, to name one. 

The main differences between the Israelis and the Palestine are that the Israelis are much.. much better equipped and have a home land, the Palestinians are poor, use rocks and home cooked rockets as weapons in the face of advanced modern tanks, jets, cruisers, missiles and a secure and stable nation that has robbed them (robed the Palestinians) of their dignity. 

Israel now refuses to talk to the Palestinians because Hamas has elected to make peace with the Palestinian Authority. Israel wants to talk to the Palestinian authority alone, excluding Hamas. But making peace with just one faction is not going to make that peace last. Peace has to be made with ALL the Palestinian faction. Not just one. The fact that the Israelis do not want to do so only indicates their unwillingness to work for true peace. 

There can be no peace without dialog, and yes the 1967 boarders are indefensible only as long as there is no peace. With peace there would be no need to defend these borders. With peace there would be no need for the illegal wall that has been built on Palestinian land for the convenience of Israel’s unilateral peace. 

Somehow I do not think that Netanyahu is interested in peace with the Palestinians. His small mind is only interested in staying in power and not making a blunder that would make the settlers, whom have continue to violate international laws by taking more Palestinian lands by force, to vote against him… 

By treating the local Palestinian population like animals rather than humans, the settlers have cast out the Palestinians from their own lands… they torch Palestinian agricultural lands... They beat and kill Palestinians and no one cares... not the media, not the Israeli government and certainly not the US government. And then when one very desperate Palestinian goes insane with violence and kills innocent settlers, children, women and the elderly, everyone immediately condemns them for their barbaric ways and excessive force is used to bring the perpetrator to “justice”. Yet everyone conveniently forgets the reason why this one man went insane with rage. Not to excuse his atrocious acts, but there is a reason why this man went on a rampage, and instead of treating the problem what do the Israelis do? They turn the event in to a reason to further humiliate the Palestinians and thus creating more resentment and giving more Palestinians a reason to lose their minds and their grip on reality and pursue a path of violence. This is a fact... This is not some ill concocted theory or view… THIS IS A FACT. 

No... Netanyahu has no interest in peace and it is evident that AIPAC is far too powerful lobby for its own good. The problem now is that everyone is still holding on to old ideologies without noticing that world is changing and that these ideologies that they are clinging on to will prove to be disastrous. 

A just peace for both Israel and Palestine must, inexorably, be made yesterday... Not now, not tomorrow, but yesterday… the people of both entities and the people of the entire region deserve nothing short of true and long lasting peace. Get it through your thick skull already Netanyahu.

Hezbollah and the Betrayal of the Arab Spring - Part 4

As a human being, I can never condone what has been done against the Jewish sematic people over the past two thousand years, culminating in the demonically atrocious holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis against them during the second world war. Equally, I cannot condone the Israeli nation’s atrocities that have perpetrated against the sematic Palestinian people. Just as I can equally not condone the atrocities carried out by the Palestinians and Hezbollah against Israel and the West. Just as I can never condone the west’s atrocities, under the falls guise of the war against terrorism, against the eastern world. Violence begets violence begets violence begets more violence, a never ending spiral of despair and desolation.

Militant Hezbollah must go and they must go peacefully rather than at the end of a gun. If Hezbollah does not relinquish its militancy then they will be guilty of dragging, unwillingly, the entire region into a war that will dwarf the atrocities of the Second World War. The only way out, the only way to win, is through peaceful means. There is no other solution to the regions problem there is no other solution to consider, for we have all had enough of pointless deaths.

Whatever respect I had for Hezbollah has now evaporated because they, who have claimed for so long. Long before the inception of the Hezbollah entity, they who have claimed to be the champions of the oppressed, have now sided with the oppressor against, not only the national interests of Lebanon and the Lebanese people, even if they are still governed by corrupt feudal lords, but also because they, Hezbollah, continue to support the oppressive Syrian regime that is cracking down against the multihued of peaceful but oppressed Syrian civilians who have ben inspired by the Arab Spring to stand up for their legitimate rights as human beings under the hegemony of a sectarian minority Alwaite, brutally oppressive regime headed by a despot called Bashar al Assad who inherited his power from his father, Hafez al Assad, yet another despot. Hezbollah has lost all legitimacy because of this betrayal of their very core principles, the very principles that gave birth to the Hezbollah entity that started with its precursor, Movement of the Disinherited, by Mousa al-Sader, who was liquidated by yet another despot, one Mouamar Qadafi.

I missed the 2006 Lebanon war because I was pursuing my career in Dubai, I was doing so because the economic deterioration of Lebanon due to the sectarian system governed by the monopolistic and mafia like wars of the feudal lords of each of those sects, had forced me to leave the country that I was born in and loved so much, loved the country but not the backwards mentality of the twisted the minds of the majority of an otherwise very educated and humanly aware Lebanese population . I left because even though I had very deep connections and could have had what I wanted, I could not betray my fellow Lebanese by using my power of Wasta, the Lebanese word that combines the meanings and principles of nepotism, cronyism, favoritism, curptionnisiem (yes it’s a valid isem in Lebanon) feudalism, racism of the majority of Lebanon’s population, I could never bring myself to use it because I believe in merit. A Wasts does not give me merit, I do not have merit because I am part of a powerful entity, I have merit because I am a human being who believes in humanity and who abhors violence. I have merit because I am an expert in my field. Not because I carry a gun and terrorize others in to submission and acquiescence. That kind of strength does not make a man a man. A person who can maintain peace is more of a man than a person who resorts to violence. Strength of arms has never and will never make male child to be a man.

Wisdom. Wisdom and knowledge and awareness and the ability to lead without fear and the ability to resolve issues peacefully are the only things that make a man. A man who regards women as equals, not as objects and not as inferior, makes a man a man. A man who does not raise his arm against others to prove a point but can appeal peacefully to their judgment and inelegance is a man. A man who can admit his feelings, no matter how pathetic or “womanly” they may be considered, is the only real man that can be. This man can be strong and can prove a point using physical straight, and can be a tyrant, but chooses not to be. Not because he is not a man, but because he chooses to be better than the kind of person who listens to his primordial and ignorant instincts.

The Lebanese people are a people that are otherwise noble and honorable when put in the context of their local followership, but who insist on drawing lines on unenlightened, ignorant, bigoted, sectarian lines, taboos and values.

In May of 2008 the “abadaiyes”, the Lebanese word for the thugs, of the sectarian feudal lords of the march 14 coalition where beginning to re-surface the age old primordial concepts of our human existence; survival of the fittest, dog eats dog (in a context that would dwarf even the American understanding of this phrase), might is right mentality that ruins the lives of many who merit to be right because of their brilliance and peaceful measures of achieving greatness. Giving credence to those who will reach the top, not because they merit it for intelligent or educated reasons, but because they think that power is about being strong, and that strong means being a bully and that a bully gets his way and that strength is always right, is a tragic choice. I was happy because of the events of May 2008 because they thought these feudal lords, even though moment did not live long, that they, who call themselves strong and right, are nothing. I was happy because Hezbollah, and only Hezbollah, taught these hooligans a lesson in humility. The feudal lords where humiliated and their thugs emaciated. And that pleased me as a Lebanese.

However, I did not appreciate the manner in which this was carried out by Hezbollah. Violence, begets violence, begets violence. The only way to escape this spiral of violence is by doing so through peaceful means, by giving up on our anger, by abandoning our violent ways. And the sooner everyone in the region realizes this the better it will be for all humanity. The time for change is now… my the Arab Spring continue and may we finally have peace in the region… not just for Lebanon, not just for Syria, not just for Israel, not just or the Palestinians, but for all of us… we are all desperate for peace.. We are all desperate for life.. we are all desperate for freedom and our rights as humans.

Hezbollah and the Betrayal of the Arab Spring - Part 3

I have never agreed with Hezbollah, especially not with their militant reason d'etre, I have never even sympathized with Hezbollah, always maintaining that they should be disarmed, regardless of the Israeli occupation. For to allow a faction in Lebanon to be the only one that bares arms is an invitation for that faction the right to impose its hegemony. Especially when dealing with the other feudal lords. 

However, I have, or had, respected Hezbollah, because they, at least politically, where far less corrupt, and far more honest than all the other pseudo Lebanese politicians, aka feudal lords. 

That however, does not mean that I ever agreed with their principles or that I would have allowed myself to follow them. 

I did however, respect them, because they were to only force that stood in the way of Israeli aggression and championed the cause of the underdog, the David, manifested in Palestinians, against the goliath, manifested in the Israelis. 

But I never had respect for Hezbollah’s methods which combined all Israelis in the same category; enemies for the killing, be they soldiers, civilians, elderly, women and even children. Such methods I can never condone, for a life is not a thing to be toyed with and just as there are innocent people on this side of the fence so there be on the other side as will. No one is inherently evil, people are perceived to be evil because circumstances have driven them to desperation. The desperation of the Jewish people over the last 2 millennia cannot be shunned. Should never be forgotten… should never be allowed to happen again. But that too is totally different story. 

On the other hand Hezbollah has provided Lebanon with security in the form of a deterrent against the Israeli armed forces. And they have been far less corrupt, though cruder than most Lebanese politicians. They were honorable, in spite of their resort to barbaric methods. But they blew it. They allowed power to get to their heads and now they have irrevocably doomed themselves. 

Any respect I had for Hezbollah died completely the minute that they started regurgitating the Syrian regime’s propaganda against the protesters. Salafists?!? Extremists?!? Sunnis on the rise to bring strife against the Shia?!? Does the secretary general of Hezbollah not realize that he is doing exactly what he has accused all the other Lebanese factions of doing? Sowing sectarian strife? And for what? To back a despot? A tyrant? A regime responsible for a big part of the turmoil that Lebanon has, and still endures? Because Amina, the gay girl of Damascus, is an extremist Salafist? On what planet? Because the Christians that are rising to the call of unity of the bilad are Salafists? Because the Kurds are Salafists? Because the Druze are Salafists? On what planet? Who is Nasralah trying to deceive? Does he believe the lies that come out of his mouth? All that to support his master the Syrian self-proclaimed Baathist king of an illegitimate regime that oppresses its people? A regime that has cost all of Lebanon including the Shia many, many lives? A regime that robed Lebanon of its wealth only to hand it back to the feudal lords who continued to robe the people blind of their rights? 

I understand Nasralah is eager to stand by his ally, but does he not realize that he is supporting a monster, a criminal against humanity, the very kind of person that Nasralah himself has spoken out against; Netanyahu, Qadafi or Mubarak.. 

Is Nasralah so eager to defend his master that he has forgotten the price that the honorable Syrian people have had to pay in blood? Nasralah should be ashamed of himself and his unwavering support for crimes against humanity. It is easy to accuse the Israelis of such crimes, they are usual the scapegoat out here, but now that his own allies have been shown to be no better than their Israeli counterparts he still gives him support? How hypocritical of Nasralah and his Hezbollah, the party that does not deserve its name. The party that stands against everything Allah is. And I say this as an agnostic. 

No. Hezbollah has betrayed the Arab Spring. Hezbollah has betrayed its principles. Hezbollah has betrayed everything that they stand for and proven once and for all that they are nothing more than an over powered militia not worthy of the respect or the power that is in its hand. 

Hezbollah is accused, as are all the other Lebanese feudal lords of both march 8 and 14, of betraying dignity of the Lebanese people, and of the Syrian people, and of the Palestinian people. The time for secularism is now. And the time for Hezbollah to disarm is yesterday. There can be no more excuses. Hezbollah must do so willingly or risk plunging the entire region in to absolute chaos. It is on your head Nasralah, and it is also on the head of all the other Lebanese leaders for they are, in their own way, looking for a fight, and will be unchecked when Hezbollah disintegrates and will be far more corrupt and uncontrollable. 

The time for a secular Lebanon is now. It is time we overthrow our own tyrants… plural… for Lebanon has many of them and they have all contributed to our collective misery. 

But back to Hezbollah; They have now lost all credibility by abandoning the Syrian people to the wolves. The Syrian regime will fall and then Hezbollah is going to have to pay for this grave mistake. All for nothing.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hezbollah and the Betrayal of the Arab Spring - Part 2

Most Lebanese where not happy with the fact that there still existed a relic of the civil war, armed to the teeth, governing its own territory despite the existence of a national and sovereign Lebanese government, by principle, even amidst the current power vacuum. But we accepted it because the Lebanese military, after the divisive civil war, had been made week and a non-entity and could not face the Israeli or Syrian occupiers. This is not to say that the other factions, the feudal lords of the Christians, Druze or Muslims, where any better. They were corrupt to the core and did not do much for the nation. They were still a menace; it’s just that they were no longer armed. Only Hezbollah remained armed. And only Hezbollah remained standing in the face of a brutal invader who killed, heedlessly, children, women and unarmed civilians under the guise of defense against those who would “drive them in to the sea”, and that is how they sold their war to the west, and especially to the Americans and gained their support by sympathy for what had been done to them in second world war at the hands of one demonic man named Hitler. But history has a strange way of repeating itself, the Nakaba, Tal Zaatar, Sabr and Shatila…. 

Hezbollah was seen, weather correctly or erroneously, by the Lebanese as the only national struggle for our sovereignty. Hezbollah was not seen as a terrorist organization as it has been branded by the west. Hezbollah became the face of the legitimate Lebanese resistance against the illegitimate Israeli occupation. But as we all know, Hezbollah high jacked this cause from the communist party. Soon, all memory of who started the resistance evaporated and all that remained was the face of the Islamic resistance under the leadership of Hezbollah. 

In the year 2000, the Israelis unilaterally withdrew from Lebanon. We all rejoiced and thought this was truly the end of war and the beginning of long lasting peace. We all thought that Hezbollah would now abandon their militant ways and join the rest of us in the formation of a peaceful and prosperous Lebanon. Things never work as we would like them to. The Israelis withdrew but they kept hold of one disputed piece of land, the village of Shebaa, that the west claimed as Syrian territory, and thus subject to a peace talks along with Golan heights with the Syrians, but the Lebanese and Syrians agreed that the Shebaa farms where Lebanese. Did anyone bother asking the Shebaa farms inhabitants who they thought they belonged to? No one bothered. 

Anyway! This gave Hezbollah a reason to continue existing, as Lebanon was not yet completely liberated. And in all sense of the word, Shebaa or not, Lebanon was indeed still occupied. A small village by the Israelis, but most of the country by the Syrians, who were allied with Hezbollah. 

It took the assassination of yet another corrupt Lebanese leader, former prime minister Rafik Hariri, a Sunni allied with western allied Saudi Arabia. Hariri, had just recently begun to voice his opposition towards Syria’s hegemony in Lebanon, probably at the instigation of the Saudis who were instructed to curtail the influence of Syria in Lebanon as part of the bush administrations post 9/11 fight against terrorism and the precursor to the war against the so called axis of evil, branded by bush, that included Iran, Syria and North Korea. Yes. It’s that complicated and more. 

Anyway! After the 2005 assassination of Rafik Hariri, the Lebanese people rose up in the cedar revolution that falsely claimed to finally “unite” all the sects of Lebanon against the Syrian occupation. This of course was not a true union. This so called revolution was nothing more than a lie orchestrated by feudal lords who seized the opportunity to get rid of the Syrians, who were carving up a big pie of Lebanese financial interests for themselves. The truth is, the feudal lord of Lebanon only wanted more power for themselves, not for the Lebanese. It is for this reason that I cannot support such malicious liars, for they, like Hezbollah, do not have the interest of the Lebanese people at heart. Their only interests are for themselves and their own pockets. This was change from above, and we all know that true change comes from bellow. But that too is yet another story altogether. 

So finally the Syrians left and we were left with a bunch of corrupt feudal sectarian lords to the right, and an armed militia to the left. A dangerous mixture by all means. 

And to think that secularism in Lebanon is not yet considered as an essential necessity.... that just boggles one’s mind.. 

In order for us to have peace, Hezbollah must relinquish their weapons 

We can no fight Israel with violence 

We can use weapons against Israel. 

The only way to defeat Israel is by creating an educated and economically prosperous Lebanon. Peace must prevail, and we will inevitably, one day, be at peace with both Israel and Syria, but a lot has to happen between now and then, and our mentalities have to change.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hezbollah and the Betrayal of the Arab Spring - Part 1

Before I can begin to talk about Hezbollah I should put things in to historical context. Drawing the circumstances that led to the birth of such an entity and the events surrounding it and the Lebanese civil war. Its inevitable relationship to the Arab-Israeli conflict. 

But before I begin that I feel compelled to explain my stance on the subject of the entity called Hezbollah. To all western readers; understand that this is a rather complicated subject and that I will not delve in to deeply, because if I do, I will end up writing a multi volume book about the subject. Suffice to say that this is the view and opinion of someone who has lived the civil war and born witness to many of the atrocities of that time and the subsequent distortion of time that followed the politics of these events. For us, the Lebanese, Hezbollah is not a terrorist organization. Rather, Hezbollah is a dangerous relic of the civil war and the greater Arab-Israeli conflict. 

It is a historical fact that when we, the Lebanese, declared our independence from the French, they were lead, back then, by a coalition of prominent Lebanese leaders of all walks of life and society that included Maronites, Sunnis, Druze, Orthodox, Shia and others. They banded together and formed the first true pan-Lebanese national group that demanded independence, and the will for self-governance, from an arrogant power that thought us its third class subjects, the French. This happened shortly after the second world war, where the allies where indulging themselves in the spoils of this great and atrocious war that they had fought and won. The French however, being as arrogant and stuck up as they were, granted us this independence, but not without making sure that we would fail as a nation. They, the French, insisted on dividing the country based on the feudal system that existed before they had arrived and favored placing the greatest portion of power in the hands of the Maronite Christians, who were even back then not the majority, but simply because they were Christians and thus, by default, sympathetic towards Christian France. The French exploited old fears that had existed in the region for hundreds of years and insured that the old feudal divisions that existed in this small patch of land that geographically was the meeting way between Europe, Africa, Arabia and Asia, continued to exist as it was so that they may say "look at those barbarians, they are nothing without us". Maybe not using those same words but that was the intention. 

Any way! the French dictated that the President, who had the greatest share of power, was to be a Maronite Christian, in spite of the fact that even back then the Maroinites did not represent a majority, and that the prime minister, with less power than the president, should be a Sunni Muslim, and that the speaker of parliament should be a Shia Muslim, and basically powerless. 

Obviously power corrupts and the subsequent Maronite presidents drowned themselves in the power allotted to them. Undoubtedly this created resentment from the other Lebanese parties, the Sunnis, the Shia, the Druze etc. The Shia, who lived mostly in the south of Lebanon, close to the Israeli border, where the most deprived, economically and politically, though many will point out individuals who made it big, proportionally they were the most deprived after the Palestinians. For that reason, a Shia movement sprung up, in the form of the Movement of the Disinherited, to lend voice to the Shia people of the south whom have been neglected by the Maronite Christian dominated state. Headed by Musa al-Sader, who later on vanished mysteriously after a visit to Libya, of all places, to meet with one Muamar Qadafi back in 1978. The very same Libyan tyrant that the Libyans are now fighting to get rid of. But that’s a totally different story. 

In 1975, the Lebanese civil war erupted for reasons that the Lebanese still cannot agree on… a sad truth but it is so… Some say that it was because of Palestinian armed presence, some say it was because of Maronite sectarian fears (they feared losing their minority powers to the majority Muslims) some say because of external interference. For whatever reasons, the Lebanese civil war started, all the warring Lebanese sectarian factions where, and still are, to blame for it, without exception. But that too is a different story. 

In 1975, as a response to the civil war, the Movement of the Disinherited was forced to arm itself to protect, as where all the other Lebanese sects and feudal lords, the interests of the Shia population, in the form of the armed militia group called Amal, the word for “hope” in Arabic. 

Skipping in time and details a little bit, in 1982, the Israeli military, invaded Lebanon for the second time, under the guise of riding Lebanon of the Palestinian problem. the Shia of the south welcomed the Israelis with cheers, flowers and rice (a tradition of jubilance) they saw the Israeli forces as one of liberation and welcomed it as such, if it were to rid them of the “pesky” Palestinian resistance which was trying hard to reclaim a homeland from which they were unjustly expelled from by a group of people how had themselves been expelled from that very land two thousand years ago, and who have endured unimaginable atrocities and who by reclaiming the land they claimed was promised to them in some obscure religious text, repeated the atrocities that where committed against them, against the population that had moved in when they were moved out two thousand years ago. Semites warring against Semites with a different belief system. essentially, brother (Israeli) against brother (Palestinian). 

It may surprise people who do not know the complicated history of Lebanon, that it was not the Shia movement, represented by Amal, that rose up in defiance against the Israeli occupation. It was not even Hezbollah, who at the time of the invasion, did not even exist. No. it was the communist party that rose up in defense of the nation against the occupation force. Only after this point did the group called Hezbollah, the “party of god”, a splinter group of Amal, come to play with the big boys. Hezbollah was not the initiator of the resistance movement against the 1982 Israeli invasion, Hezbollah did not exists as an entity until 1985, though a pseudo form of it did exist in the shape of minor extremist splinter groups from the Amal movement. 

The point I am trying to make is that the resistance against the Israeli occupation of 1982, was not the Islamic resistance of the Shia group called Hezbollah, but rather it was a nationalist movement, initiated first and foremost by the atheists, not religious zealots, in the form of the communist party of Lebanon. 

With the subsequent advent of Hezbollah after 1985, the face of the resistance slowly began to change and take on the form of the Lebanese Islamic resistance. 

The Syrians, who were, ironically, invited by the Lebanese before the 1982 Israeli invasion, by the Maronite Christians, to rid them of the Palestinian problem. The Syrians fought against Hezbollah on many occasions… realy bloody and grousom fights…. But Lebanon is a strange country where allegiances keep shifting, and shifting like the sands of time. The Maronite Christians grew weary of the Syrians and their hegemony and turned against them, the very power that they had invited, and sided with the Israelis, covertly, and the Shia turned against the Israelis, the very power that they had welcomed as liberators, and sided with the Syrians, openly. And thus Lebanon became intricacy involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict, which we had previously attempted our best to avoid. Lebanon became the crux of the power struggle, as the external forces of east and west fought out their war, by proxy, at the expense of the Lebanese people. 

The civil war finally ended in 1990 and we were all made to believe that that was the end of it all. All the militias gave up their weapons and militancy… all except for Hezbollah, who was allowed to continue its resistance against the Israeli occupation that continued, empowered by the Syrians, who also still occupied most of Lebanon after the civil war, and acted as the puppet master of Lebanese politics. 

Hezbollah grew in power and created an un-official state within a state which no one dared to contradict or oppose. If Hezbollah still exists today, with all its power and militancy, it is not because the Lebanese wish it so, but because the Syrian regime of al-Assad Baathists, who no longer wished a direct confrontation with Israel, continued to empower the Iranian baked Lebanese Shia faction in the name Arabs to resist the western backed Israel hegemony.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A man called Bashir.

A man called Bashir used to walk our street. In the middle of a bombardment, he would start walking the streets laughing, the distinct laugh of a man who had lost it. Lost his mind. gone stark raving mad to walk the street under heavy bombardment, laughing at it as if he were a kid enjoying fireworks.

He was such a pitiful site, yet he survived the bombardment and the civil war that ravaged our country, Lebanon, alive, mad as he is. Many called his survival an act of “god”. But why do you think this man went stark raving mad in first place? He survived his family, his wife, his children; they all died in one of the many bombings we were subjected too. They died needlessly, this family which he belonged to in such trying times.

He survived while they died. He lost all that he had and loved and cherished and belonged to in such a frightening time, ceased to exist, for no humanly possible valid reason whatsoever. All that this man knew and cared for in this life had ceased to exist. Was no more. One moment here and the other not. A sudden void that was unfathomable, incomprehensible, unrealistic, of proportions so vast that the human mind, advanced in knowledge as it is, could not accept it willingly when it presents itself at this epic proportion. An event that leaves one wondering for what reason has he been spared this atrocious end. Why did those he considered his only source of hope in such despairing times suddenly vanished, and he survived. Why? Why did he go insane like that? People ask. Why should he not. I answer.

Life became meaningless for him the moment he saw the dismembered, disfigured dead bodies of his most loved people, his family, his sole reason for existing, all gone with the pull of a canon's trigger, in a dishonorable war being waged between competing warlords and war criminals. Think of it as multiple mafia bosses competing for the same territory and the crank that up by a thousand fold and you come close to understanding how dangerous it really was.

And he survived this when everyone that he knew and cared for, his flesh and blood, the love of his life, vanished, extinguished from, existence. He survived! He should thank his lucky stars, some may say. But is he so lucky that he now became absolutely and desolately and painfully alone?

I don't know if Bashir still lives or not, but I very presumptuously, wish to speak on his behalf, that yes he was stark raving mad, but only because he knew that there was no divine intervention, that whatever reason he survived for, it was not worth losing all he ever cared for. His wife, the love of his life, and his children, the product of their flesh, blood, and passion. Especially when people have not yet understood what the problem is, and why they are guilty of murdering his family by continue to support the very feudal lords, who capitalized on sectarian differences to elevate their personal interests above their constituents whom they regarded as inferior to them, and allowed strife to continue even in peace.

I don't know if Bashir still lives or not but I can still hear his maniacal laugh.... and the frightening thing is that I understand the absurdity of it as I see the same old stupidity and selfishness re-manifest itself once more, depriving wonderful people of their lives, their souls, their gift to humanity, their love. Loneliness in a time of extreme turbulence and hardship is a terrible, terrible, feeling. To stand there in pitch darkness with just one spot light shining on you. Alone, on an island surrounded by an ocean of agony and despair. A speck of dust in a vast, vast universe of unimaginable proportions. Alone, in all this vastness. Alone, and walking the streets laughing like a lunatic under heavy bombardment.