As a human being, I can never condone what has been done against the Jewish sematic people over the past two thousand years, culminating in the demonically atrocious holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis against them during the second world war. Equally, I cannot condone the Israeli nation’s atrocities that have perpetrated against the sematic Palestinian people. Just as I can equally not condone the atrocities carried out by the Palestinians and Hezbollah against Israel and the West. Just as I can never condone the west’s atrocities, under the falls guise of the war against terrorism, against the eastern world. Violence begets violence begets violence begets more violence, a never ending spiral of despair and desolation.
Militant Hezbollah must go and they must go peacefully rather than at the end of a gun. If Hezbollah does not relinquish its militancy then they will be guilty of dragging, unwillingly, the entire region into a war that will dwarf the atrocities of the Second World War. The only way out, the only way to win, is through peaceful means. There is no other solution to the regions problem there is no other solution to consider, for we have all had enough of pointless deaths.
Whatever respect I had for Hezbollah has now evaporated because they, who have claimed for so long. Long before the inception of the Hezbollah entity, they who have claimed to be the champions of the oppressed, have now sided with the oppressor against, not only the national interests of Lebanon and the Lebanese people, even if they are still governed by corrupt feudal lords, but also because they, Hezbollah, continue to support the oppressive Syrian regime that is cracking down against the multihued of peaceful but oppressed Syrian civilians who have ben inspired by the Arab Spring to stand up for their legitimate rights as human beings under the hegemony of a sectarian minority Alwaite, brutally oppressive regime headed by a despot called Bashar al Assad who inherited his power from his father, Hafez al Assad, yet another despot. Hezbollah has lost all legitimacy because of this betrayal of their very core principles, the very principles that gave birth to the Hezbollah entity that started with its precursor, Movement of the Disinherited, by Mousa al-Sader, who was liquidated by yet another despot, one Mouamar Qadafi.
I missed the 2006 Lebanon war because I was pursuing my career in Dubai, I was doing so because the economic deterioration of Lebanon due to the sectarian system governed by the monopolistic and mafia like wars of the feudal lords of each of those sects, had forced me to leave the country that I was born in and loved so much, loved the country but not the backwards mentality of the twisted the minds of the majority of an otherwise very educated and humanly aware Lebanese population . I left because even though I had very deep connections and could have had what I wanted, I could not betray my fellow Lebanese by using my power of Wasta, the Lebanese word that combines the meanings and principles of nepotism, cronyism, favoritism, curptionnisiem (yes it’s a valid isem in Lebanon) feudalism, racism of the majority of Lebanon’s population, I could never bring myself to use it because I believe in merit. A Wasts does not give me merit, I do not have merit because I am part of a powerful entity, I have merit because I am a human being who believes in humanity and who abhors violence. I have merit because I am an expert in my field. Not because I carry a gun and terrorize others in to submission and acquiescence. That kind of strength does not make a man a man. A person who can maintain peace is more of a man than a person who resorts to violence. Strength of arms has never and will never make male child to be a man.
Wisdom. Wisdom and knowledge and awareness and the ability to lead without fear and the ability to resolve issues peacefully are the only things that make a man. A man who regards women as equals, not as objects and not as inferior, makes a man a man. A man who does not raise his arm against others to prove a point but can appeal peacefully to their judgment and inelegance is a man. A man who can admit his feelings, no matter how pathetic or “womanly” they may be considered, is the only real man that can be. This man can be strong and can prove a point using physical straight, and can be a tyrant, but chooses not to be. Not because he is not a man, but because he chooses to be better than the kind of person who listens to his primordial and ignorant instincts.
The Lebanese people are a people that are otherwise noble and honorable when put in the context of their local followership, but who insist on drawing lines on unenlightened, ignorant, bigoted, sectarian lines, taboos and values.
In May of 2008 the “abadaiyes”, the Lebanese word for the thugs, of the sectarian feudal lords of the march 14 coalition where beginning to re-surface the age old primordial concepts of our human existence; survival of the fittest, dog eats dog (in a context that would dwarf even the American understanding of this phrase), might is right mentality that ruins the lives of many who merit to be right because of their brilliance and peaceful measures of achieving greatness. Giving credence to those who will reach the top, not because they merit it for intelligent or educated reasons, but because they think that power is about being strong, and that strong means being a bully and that a bully gets his way and that strength is always right, is a tragic choice. I was happy because of the events of May 2008 because they thought these feudal lords, even though moment did not live long, that they, who call themselves strong and right, are nothing. I was happy because Hezbollah, and only Hezbollah, taught these hooligans a lesson in humility. The feudal lords where humiliated and their thugs emaciated. And that pleased me as a Lebanese.
However, I did not appreciate the manner in which this was carried out by Hezbollah. Violence, begets violence, begets violence. The only way to escape this spiral of violence is by doing so through peaceful means, by giving up on our anger, by abandoning our violent ways. And the sooner everyone in the region realizes this the better it will be for all humanity. The time for change is now… my the Arab Spring continue and may we finally have peace in the region… not just for Lebanon, not just for Syria, not just for Israel, not just or the Palestinians, but for all of us… we are all desperate for peace.. We are all desperate for life.. we are all desperate for freedom and our rights as humans.
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