so the mighty US has spoken and, for once, I agree in principle with this thought.
Right now, the best thing Hamas could do for the cause of the Palestinian people is to actually recognize Israel, as there is no logical or realistic way that Israel is going to cease to exists, the proverbial ignored pink elephant flying all around the room, must now be faced. with honesty and honor. condoning and conducting the murder of innocent children, women and elderly citizens of Israel is no better than the merciless slaughter of Palestinian children, women, and elderly citizens. Hamas would be no better than the IDF and certianly very un-Islamic if it contijnues to condone and conduct such barberous acts. it is time to face the facts; Israel is not going to go away; killing inocent children, women and elderly is unjustifiable and will never acomplish anything significant what soever. it is time for Hamas to wake up and realize that the now have an opertunity. An opportunity, befor all public eyes, to take this extended hand and cornrner the isralies in to submiting to the international pressure being aplied to it. if the Israeli's want to make Hamas a point of foucuse so that they may not bow to international pressure and never have peace, for surely for most of the arab wolrd it is obvious that Natanyahou does not want peace, but what better way to humiliate him by calling his bluff and proving him absolutely wrong in the public opinion of the international comunity. I hope Hamas realises that this is porbably the best way to expose all the Israeli government's lies.
Recognize Israel. renouce violance. make yourselves advocates of peace in the name of all the arab world who has grown sick and weary of this blood conflict that has raged for to long. put an end to American hegemony and Israeli lies but not with violance.. not with terorisem.. but by exposing their lies by proving them wrong in the most peaceful of processes ever. take this bald step Hamas... for the good of the Palestinian people who deserve peace and closure. you fear that you will loose leverage against Israel by doing so but i tell you that your methods have made you loose far more than that. that what ever leverage you think you may have is just an illusion. violence is never, and will never be, a tool that will achive anything other than death and more death. for all....
Hamas must realize that and opertunity like this does not knock twice. and i would remind Hamas to look around them and realize and understand what is happening in the Arab world to day and understand that tyranny and violance will no longer be tolarated and that if hamas continues on the path it is on it will undoubtedly be, one day, brought down like the regimes of moubark and Ben Ali, and like the immenant downfall of the Qadafi, Saleh and Assad regimes.
it is time for Hamas to wake up. the time for Hamas to wake up is now. now more than ever. think of the future. think of your children and their children. do you want them to see nothing but violence for the rest of their lives?
yes the Palestinian people have been wronged. yes they have been thrown out of their homes and robed of their dignnity and stathood. but if you continue down the path of violance you will not, nor will your children and their children, ever regain anything but suffering.
i am not saying that you should not resists the Israeli's. i am not saying you should not fight them. but do it the intelligent way... not with weapons. not with terror. not with violence. but with wisdom. with peace. with brilliance.. far to long you have played in totheri hands. you thought yourselves masters becuse you caried weapons and killed many of them.. but little did you understand that this is what they wanted, the isralie politicians, it suited them becuse they got you branded as terorists, which by your own acts and religion you most certainly are. and although you may have thought that you where winning against them by kiling them.. all you have ever accomplished my dear Hamas, is to further delegitmis the claim of the palestinian people and further degrade their condition. yes it is Israel that did much of the killing and much of the destroying but you have played in to their hand and have so far always proven them right in the eyes of the international community which you may not ignore anymore... not in the 21st century... not eith almost 7 billion humans inhabiting this earth.... Hamas.. this is your chance to redeem yourselves... stop playing in to the hands of the Israeli's and stop destroying the hope of the noble palestinian people.... the isrealies are counting on the fact that you will not meat their demands... they are counting on creating a rift, yet again, between you and the Palestinian authority. prove them wrong... disappoint them... agree to this demand and see how the isralie government will have no choice but to comply.
sigh... i wish they would listen to me but sadly... and i hope to be presently disappointed.... Hamas will not agree to such a thing and will yet again play in to the hands of the Israeli propaganda machine and then we will be back to square one..... the Israeli's will win and Natanyahou will be happy in the knolage that peace will never come... so he may win a local political victory... at what cost natanyou? at what cost? drop this sharade of yours already.
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