Saint Jude
Hala Haddad
The Lady with the Devine Glow
(20 November 1979 - 26 July 2007)
After many years of battling against cancer... our beloved Hala's body gave in... And the angel of death has whisked her away to that world which lies beyond...
I for one... as I am sure all those whom have known Hala, will remember her love for life... she never let her ailment... No matter how grave... dampen her spirit... she was always full of life... and instilled that feeling in all those whom where around her... her divine smile was a miracle on its own... her smile was full of warmth... a warmth that would engulf the coldest of people... a smile that would make the most depressed person know what bliss truly means....
I will miss Hala dearly... I will miss her wit... I will miss her smart conversations... I will miss her divinely beautiful glow... Hala's lovely memory will remain with me, and I will miss her dearly, until the time I see her again on the other side....
In paradisum deducant te Angeli

"We all come from the Goddess and to Her we shall return like a drop of rain
falling to the ocean. We all come from the Horned One and through Him we are reborn corn and grain, corn and grain all that falls shall rise again"
" Journey on now, sister. We will follow when we can. May you be born again at
the same time and in the same place as those you knew and loved in this life.
May you know them again and love them again."
Today it rained in Beirut... Being the sentimental person that I am... I would like to think that even the heavens where shedding their tears for Hala
This day also marks my late grandmother’s birthday as well as Mazen's birthday....
hala hala hala. ya3ni i cant believe your gone. i really cant. i never knew a person like you would leave us so early. and unfortunatly i didnt know that you where sick. well now the pain is gone my dear, and you are resting with the angels. the last time i saw you i remember was at cofee house i think it was just before my play, you said you where coming but you couldnt make it and you sent me the nicest message. youve always supported me and when i was down i would see that smile on your face and i would feel like it was no big deal. as little as you where there was a heart of lion inside of you. never afraid always calm and certain. i met you through mazen, and i know how hurt he must be right now, u made him happy and im gratefull for that. i remember when we would sit all three of us and i would make you both laugh so hard, you really enjoyed it. im glad i atleast made you smile for that is the only memory that i will carry on with me. i knew you alot but i wish i knew much more. you wont be forgotten that i assure you because as you have touched me, im sure youve touched many. hala hayeti ya3ni i can keep writing but i know i dont have to say how i feel because others will share the same feeling as the write about you as the days come. a part of us left with you but you are still present in our hearts. it was a pleasure to have met you. di3anik and god bless your soul. may you always rest in peace. thank you for everything and so long st jude.
personaly... I have not stoped crying... and this is not charachtersitic of me... i barly shed a tear when my grandmother died of caner... and i loved my grabdmother more than any one in the world... but hearing of hala's passing away.. i feel so damnd devestated... and i cry.. and cry... and cry.... she was such a special person.....
You are safe now...
Hala will always remember you and miss you....
the Angel of Haddad family...
you have marked every heart that knew you...
the daughter of the greatest family i met, i share your sorrow.
Hope i was able to be there for you as you where always with me, and everyone else.
will miss u miss u miss u...The Angel of Haddad Family.
Love you from all the heart.
(thank you samer for this blog)
I never thought these moments will come, i thought you were done with this long time ago, but well it has to be god's will... Rest In Peace and thanks Samer
Halloul Hayete I really still can't believe it... My old partner is gone and I havent had the chance to say a proper goodbye but I am not worried... I know you have your place guarded with the angels... May your soul rest in peace hayete.. With everything that you were passing through, you still managed to shed joy,hope light, love, blessing, care to everyone who ever met you. Halloul you were a great friend, sister, daughter, partner, and you will surely be missed. Love you... Joumana
halloul,je te promais que j'arrive pas a croir cette fais 3 ans que je t pas vu mais comme si c'etait hier car t une personne inoubliable!!!je me rappelle bien quand on est parti en egypte pour un tournoi de golf et tt le capitaine de l'equipe et en meme temps la mamman et la soeur.c'etait vraiment un voyage que je peux jamais l'oublier...ce que je n'oublirais jamais aussi,ton magnifique sourir et ta superbe blague qui est prete a tout instant.halloul,tout ce que je peux dire,c'est que tu as de la chance car toutes les portes du paradis s'ouvrent pour t'acceuillire l'acceuille des u halloul!!!omar.
I was with Hala at school, we were in the same class at some point. I never had the chance to get to know her well, but I remember her as such a peacful person with a lovely, lovely smile that brightened her face in a split of a second. Although we only shared a few courses together, I was very upset to hear about her passing away, so I can only imagine the devastation of people close to her. May she rest in peace and may God give strength and comfort to her family and friends.
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