Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Changing the face of Lebanon Campaign

Ever since the war "ended" back in 1990.... I always had the feeling that it never really ended.. that it just changed form..... I always had the feeling that sooner or later Lebanon would plunge back in to civil war... and to be honest.. it looks like we are edging closer to that point once again...

what is the problem in Lebanon?

well... I do agree that everyone from the outside has screwed us over from east to west... but the truth of the mater is simple... Lebanon is a feudal country... we have warlords as opposed to political figures... these warlords use the excuse of religion and sects even to maintain their hold, power and control ... not to mention wealth...... and strangely enough... the Lebanese people are like sheep... they follow these wolves dressed in shepherds clothing.... they follow them so blindly and they allow their "religious" beliefs (no mater how truncated they are) to get in the way of thinking of what is best for the nation.... that and the fact that the leavens are really selfish people... a brother would have no problem backstabbing his own closest relatives for money and power... it is not desperation that leads them... it is pure and simple greed....

Then there are the Lebanese who just want to do something interesting in their lives... who want to enjoy life... but are they being given chance to do so.. But No… because they have no leader.. No warlord and no religious or "political" affiliation... they do not count... they are no one... funny that... that the real Lebanese people are the ones ostracized... they have no means of raising their voice because it would mean joining a political party... and being a member of a political party already puts you on the sectarian divide....

we have no true political parties in Lebanon... non with real political ideologies and visions.. non that have the interest of Lebanon as a whole in mind... hence why bother joining any of them.... there is a large portion of Lebanese who refuse to be sheep.... and who do see the wolves dressed up as shepherds...

we have had enough.... all the warlords.. "Politicians" and religious leaders should learn a lesson...

There are many things we as true Lebanese can do in order to insure a prosperous and peaceful future for our beloved country....

first we must start with learning how to love one another... and how to speak as individuals and as a united community... as opposed to regurgitating what is dictated upon us by our respective sectarian "superiors" ... we are intelligent and are capable of formulating our own ideologies.... however a nation is not existent with out a united community.... it is alright to be different and to have differences.. But not the kind that deviled us and weaken us and make us anything but citizens of the country called Lebanon.... what do I mean? simple... if you are suni, druz, shiia, maronite, orthodox or whatever else... please keep it to your self... every one is entitled to worship any which way they want and to believe anything they want... but as long as you claim that you are of religion X and sect Y you are not a Lebanese..... a Lebanese should declare that he or she is a Lebanese and nothing else... your religion is something that is personal to you and not a reflection on what the nation stands for.... your religion has no place in the greater good of Lebanon... as our so called political parties are based on sectarian values, as opposed to true political ideologies and values... they and their leaders should be band and abolished..... ALL OF THEM... not a single exception should be allowed.... if you feel so strongly about your religion X or sect Y then please... by all means.... renounce your Lebanese citizenship and go to a country that is more fitting to your religious needs... if you are a suni, a maronite, a shiia, an orthodox, a druz, an (insert religion and sect here) then understand that you are not Lebanese... that you are an illegal alien to this nation.... and that you should have no rights… and by several UN resolutions you are all foreign occupying forces and under said UN resolutions and mandates you should leave Lebanon just like the Ottomans, the French, the Americans, the Israelis and the Syrians where forced to do the same..... If you are not a Lebanese (period) then please leave.


There are many issues that have to be addressed in Lebanon... the educational system has to be revised... the economy has to be stabilized and improved (our so called leaders should ALL step down and stop steeling our money) employment rules and laws have to be improved. the introduction of civil marriage is a necessity.... the number of places of worship have to be reduced and in their place make accommodations for the homeless and poor... our infrastructure needs to be completely revised and renovated to fit international standards... standard of living in Lebanon have to improve.... more power to the middle class... our mentalities have to change.... our arrogance has to be humbled.... there are many other things that need to be addressed but it would take more than this blog entry to talk of them all....

Our so called leaders need to be punished.... they need to be humbled... I do not think sending them to prison is a good idea... however... sending them off to do community service... like sweeping the streets and collecting garbage would be an excellent idea to humble them.... and if they refuse then revoke their Lebanese citizenship and deport them else where with nothing more than $10,000 …. Anything else that they own they will have to leave behind as it is most likely that they stole it or acquired illegally from us (one way or another … think taxes and national debt) to begin with.


However... since something like this will take far too much time and is quite unrealistic at the moment... I do have another suggestion.......

I propose that we Lebanese write a good and decent letter to our so called "leaders" telling them to stop acting like greedy idiots and fighting like little children in kindergarten..... and to leave us real Lebanese people alone... to give us a chance to make this country the best it can be....

basically we should write them a good long and polite letter telling them to fuck off and leave us alone.... to add to it all I strongly recommend that we add a box of the strongest does of Xanax to be accompanied by the letter.... just to tell them to take a chill pill and fucking relax.... and to imply that they are delusional and need professional psychiatric assistance....

this is not meant merely as a joke.. funny as it may seem... I am serious about this.... this is a campaign that we should all seriously embark on...

this letter and attached Xanax package should be sent to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO CALL THEMSELVES OUR LEADERS.... no exceptions allowed... everyone of them should get one... both the "political" leaders, the warlords, and the "religious" leaders.

so... any one is interested in this campaign then please... let us embark on this bloodless coup as soon as possible.

In Memory of my Grandmother

Irene Bagdassaroff Der Alexanian

(26 July 1926) - (23 May 2001)

it had not occurred to me last year when i had a total brake down on this day.....
it almost slipped my mind this year when i was feeling low and tiered....

until mom pointed out that it is the anniversary of my grandmothers passing away

23 May 2001....

i still remember that day... my granny had fallen ill with cancer and was staying at our place... every day in the morning i would go up to her and kiss her goodbye before i went to work.... she used to respond to me better than most... she would be less difficult around me when i asked her too.. she would eat better, make less of a fuss and make an effort to improve....

however .. on that morning i went up to her to give her my goodbye kiss... and could sense the presence of Death looming around.... i bowed my head and moved on... i could not go near her...

at work ... i was out of cellphone reach.... i stayed underground in my office until little bit in the after noon... when i finally came out my mom called... i could tell from her voice that it had happened.... i told mom that i knew... and she was surprised as to how i could have known...

i will always remember my granny for her wonderful cooking and baking... especially her beef strogonove ... her pilaf... her chocolate cakes and her banana cakes ....

i will also remember my granny for teaching me English... for bringing me and teaching me proper manners.... i attribute mot of my child hood development first to her... then to my mother...

i miss my granny.. but if there relay is an after life ... i am sure she is in a better place and i find that comforting...

my granny was an educator... she has educated and inspired countless of generations... a lot of her old students still to this day remember her fondly....

as for me... i just miss my granny... and i can feel her presence every now and then.. especially when i am feeling down trodden and worn out....

Ira... I love you my dear grandmother... wherever your soul may be right now... i hope you are free and in bliss...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wedding Plans Changed

well... still getting married on the 15th of June.... but not in Lebanon.... Cyprus is the choice now... because the Lebanese are too pigheaded to have such as thing as civil marriage... my own country.. and i am really disappointed with it.... ah well... i suppose it will take a few more "civil" wars before they start thinking like "civilised" folks should....

though this will be somewhat of a headache for me... again because i am the "proud" holder of a Lebanese passport... well.. it just means getting a visa ain't going to be as easy as on might think... and more paper work... AHHHHHHHHH....... but my love must and should have her rights protected... and that can only be done under civil code rather than Sharia code...

actually... i think Cyprus is going to save me allot of family and Friend related headaches... lol... nothing worse than friends and family berating you for not attending wedding... this way we will be in a totally different country... so they cant complain :P

suddenly i have this image of me spitting after saying Lebanon /me spits.... just like on Corner gas... when they say the name of that town that starts with a W... cant remember the name... :P

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


like the goddess... a destructive force... a life creating force.... got to love the universe.. a star goes supernova

Like tears in the rain,

Saturday, May 5, 2007


So simple yet so complex… no mater how you look at it never makes sense yet it makes perfect sense. It is there but not there. Spiral… an anagram to our state of mind. Twisted, bent, perfect, complete… when do we begin? Where do we end? We spiral in and out, looking… searching… and what do we find at the end? Our selves? Or did we find that at the beginning? Do we ever see the point before it is too late? Before we become one with spiral?

Friday, May 4, 2007


i know i wanted to post something today.... but i forgot about what... go figure