Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wedding Plans Changed

well... still getting married on the 15th of June.... but not in Lebanon.... Cyprus is the choice now... because the Lebanese are too pigheaded to have such as thing as civil marriage... my own country.. and i am really disappointed with it.... ah well... i suppose it will take a few more "civil" wars before they start thinking like "civilised" folks should....

though this will be somewhat of a headache for me... again because i am the "proud" holder of a Lebanese passport... well.. it just means getting a visa ain't going to be as easy as on might think... and more paper work... AHHHHHHHHH....... but my love must and should have her rights protected... and that can only be done under civil code rather than Sharia code...

actually... i think Cyprus is going to save me allot of family and Friend related headaches... lol... nothing worse than friends and family berating you for not attending wedding... this way we will be in a totally different country... so they cant complain :P

suddenly i have this image of me spitting after saying Lebanon /me spits.... just like on Corner gas... when they say the name of that town that starts with a W... cant remember the name... :P

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