Thursday, June 23, 2011

Netanyahu makes intentional mistake after intentional mistake

So the not so great Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has come up with a decision to, not only toughen up on Palestinian "terrorists" in Israeli jails, but also making sure that when and if these "terrorists" are released they will not have a chance at a new life. 

Like most conservatives, Netanyahu probably thinks that education is "absurd " especially when given to prisoners and more so if they are Palestinian prisoners.

Maybe he does not know that the key to get these "terrorists" to stop being "terrorists" is to give them an alternative to what they already know... an education that will enable them to change their lives and take up jobs as productive citizens.

Obviously Netanyahu, in my opinion, will achieve the following by doing what he has proposed:

1. Insure that when the Palestinian prisoners are returned to whatever new Palestinian is standing at that moment that they will be unproductive trouble makers.

2. Insure that when the Palestinian prisoners are released that they will continue to "threaten" Israelis existence and thus use it as a tool against the Palestinians

3. Insure that he tactfully violates their human rights without by marginally not violating said human rights

undoubtedly some will argue that because these people are "terrorists" then they deserve no benefits what so ever. My argument for that is that prisons are there to reform people and not make them worse.

Also some will argue that with an education the prisoners will one day use that knowledge against Israel. Which is likely to happen but also likely not to happen. If a terrorist has no their agenda than terrorizing than no matter how much time behind bars they spend they will not change... especially when they are not being reformed through an education that is targeted at making them better people

Furthermore, not all the prisoners are terrorists, some of them are prisoners because of the apartheid Israeli government does not distinguish between a decent Palestinian and a violent Palestinian. So, inevitably, Israeli prisons for Palestinians are nothing more than "terrorist" factories... especially with no educational benefits being given.

Everyone is entitled to an education and the way out of this cycle of violence is through educational and dialog. But these words are alien to Netanyahu who without a doubt has no interest in peace what so ever. 

To break the cycle of violence what is needed is compaction, understanding, kindness, and an education.

All Netanyahu will achieve is intentionally make matters worse for not only Palestine, but equally as much for Israel. Maybe he knows this and does so to ensure that funding from the USA will never run out, or maybe he does not know this and will be in for a nasty surprise sometime in the future. Seriously! I do not understand how the great Israeli people could support someone who is so wrong for Israel.

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