What a load of crock.
Let me be clear on one thing before I start ranting; I do not doubt the findings of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) or that Hezbollah members were involved in the assassination of Rafic Hariri.
But to hear the slain ex-prime minister’s son, Saad Hariri, who also is an ex-prime minister, spewing hypocrisies out of his orifice I feel compelled to say a few words.
"Today, I find myself closer than any time before to my family and the people of my country. I am with them in all cities, towns and homes. I am with the families and crowds who rushed to the Freedom Square and the grave of Martyr Premier, filling the squares all over Lebanon, defying desperation, intimidation and threats, and vowing not to surrender to the will of the killers and criminals. Today, I find myself closer than any time before to my family and the people of my country. I am with them in all cities, towns and homes. I am with the families and crowds who rushed to the Freedom Square and the grave of Martyr Premier, filling the squares all over Lebanon, defying desperation, intimidation and threats, and vowing not to surrender to the will of the killers and criminals." Saad Hariri
This man, who is a billionaire and who hides behind fortified mansions, who travels in armored convoys, who fled Lebanon to France after he ceased to be prime minister, has the audacity to claim that he finds himself "closer" to the people. What a load of crock.
Not only that, he also, as a Lebanese leader, applauds the flock of sheep that filled "squares all over Lebanon" as if that was a good thing. I call them sheep because they follow our corrupt leaders so blindly that they will not listen to reason or facts. Hariri Jr. applauds the fact that he has followers who are willing to spark sectarian strife just because their leader, a Sunni, is at odds, politically, with the leader of the Shiaas. This man is guilty of propagating sectarian strife just as much as Samir Gaagaa, leader of an extermist branch of christins known as the Lebanese Forces - those there is nothing Lebanese about it and it certainly is no force-, and just as much as Hassan Nasralah, secretary general of Hezbollah -though I am certain if god was around would sue them for trademark infringement-
"Defying desperation, intimidation and threats" Really? He says it as if Hezbollah is the only political entity that intimidates and threats, not that they do not, but let Hariri not throw stones in a house of glass for he, and the rest of his alleys of the March 14 farce, are equally guilty of intimidation and threats. Hezbollah may be the only overtly armed group in Lebanon, which should without a doubt be disarmed, but the rest of Lebanon's political parties are also armed though not openly. Also, the lackeys of the March 14 group, much like the March 8 group, engage in subterfuge, coercion, and mafia like threats against anyone who defies their will. How many great Lebanese men,, women, and companies have suffered at the whims of the likes of Hariri, Gmeyel, Gaagaa, Mur, Aoun, Jumblat, Biri, Narsalah et all? How many families have been torn apart because the leaders willed it so? How many businesses went under because these so called leaders where more interested in illuminating the competition by abusing their strong position of power? How many good people's reputations where smeared because the leaders needed a scapegoat for their illegal activities? How much have the leaders of March 14 and March 8 stolen what should belong to the Lebanese people? How many times have these so called leaders placed themselves above the law and gave themselves and their family members, close and extended, more rights than the average Lebanese? And he has the audacity to call himself "close" to the people and to speak of "justice"?
If there was any justice in Lebanon then all the politicians and their lackeys would be in jail by now. These are the political leaders who have robed Lebanon blind, who run organized crime syndicates that enjoy state protection, these are the "leaders" or the sons of the "leaders" who forced us over the brink and brought us nothing but death, destruction, and destitute throughout the civil war and its aftermath.
This is the same Hariri, whose slain father, "legally" stole Lebanese land from Lebanese people, evicted people out of homes their homes which they, the people owned, sold our land, our pride, our dignity to the highest bidder, and left the Lebanese people with almost nothing. Much like Hezbollah sold Lebanon to the Syrian and Iranian regimes.
How dare this despicable man who calls himself a leader speak of justice, truth, and being close to the people?
What a load of crock, and the sadder part is that people believe him and still follow him blindly.
This ex-prime minister has done nothing for Lebanon. He has done much for himself, his allies, and the lackeys but little or nothing for the Lebanese. How dare he speak as if he represents the voice true voice of Lebanon.
Lebanese politicians are corrupt; it is a prerequisite to become a Lebanese politician.
Although I think that Hariri is a hypocrite, this should not de-emphasize the obligation that is now upon Hezbollah, the only openly armed Lebanese group, to respect the processes of law, politicized or not, western plot or not, and turn over the Hezbollah members who stand accused of murdering 22 Lebanese citizens, not just Rafic Hariri because he was an important person, but all those who were killed as a result of conspiracy and criminal activity of some people or groups.
Hezbollah claims that it is an honorable entity; if this was the case then Nasralah should not violently protect those who stand accused of this crime. He, Nasralah, has been known to say that he will “cut off the hand” of anyone who attempts to arrest any Hezbollah member no matter what. These are not the words of an honorable entity or of an honorable man. The due course of law must prevail and either convict or acquit those who are accused, this is the proper way to proceed. Hezbollah has the double responsibility to follow through with the due course of law because they now hold the greater share in the current government. Failure to hand in the accused to the authorities proves that Hezbollah, the entity was complicit in this crime.
Knowing the stubbornness and tribal mentality of Nasralah and Hezbollah, though, it is almost certain that they will not do the honorable thing. They will protect the accused men and risk throwing the country in to further diary and civil strife. The reason given by the paranoid Hezbollah for refusing to hand over the accused is that the STL is controlled by “the Zionist entity” otherwise known as Israel. Which may be true but where is the proof? Let Hezbollah prove that their accusation is true and again, the only way to achieve this is through the due process of law and not by taking unilateral and stubborn decisions that will bring us further to the brink just because Nasralah is deluded in thinking that he and his Hezbollah are above the law. It would have been better for Nasralah not to have spoken, for he has truly shown his colors and his disregard for the Lebanese public and Lebanese judiciary system. No one is above the law and this is something he must learn now or else remove himself from political life as he is unfit and unqualified to fill this role…. Not that there are any Lebanese politicians who are any better than him, mind you, but as a matter of principle, if such a thing still exists.
I keep hoping that someone will act honorably but I am not holding my breath.
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