In Northern Lebanon 600 Lebanese and Syrians staged a protest in solidarity with the Syrian people after Friday prayers. Knowing the way things run in Lebanon, there were probably some hot headed idiots who thought they could take matters in to their own hands and defend the Butcher of Syria, Bashar al Assad, the illegitimate president of Syria, against those who wish him rightfully gone. This happened in and around Bab al-Tabaneh and Jabal Mohsen, in the environs of the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.
I am someone who believes that people are entitled to their opinion, as a basic human right. But it is one thing to exercise that right peacefully and totally a different thing to take out a gun and start shooting people who disagree with that opinion. Supporters of the Assad regime in Lebanon have gone too far this time..... not that they or any of the other hot headed Lebanese don’t usually do so whether they are pro Assad or pro anything else for that matter.... but as a matter of principle resorting to violence to shut people just because they are of a different opinion is not the way to exercise the right of freedom of opinion. one would think this is obvious enough but NOOO.... Hot headed males who think they are men have to reach for their penis extension (AKA a gun) in order to prove their manliness and that they are right. To boot, these are generally religious type of people, but something tells me that they are either illiterate or decided to learn from religion the passages that suited them. These despicable creatures actually think that they are men and that they can prove themselves right by being as mighty as a barbarian warrior, when in reality, when striped of their penis extensions, they are nothing more than over grown whimpering kids.
For how long will the corrupt Lebanese state allow the goons and sheep like followers of Lebanon’s various sectarian political parties ruled by bunch of warlords, criminals, thieves and kingpins allow these kinds of transgression to transpire? When will the Lebanese people wake up and figure out that the best way to get Lebanon out of its age of chaos is to simply deny these warlords and their goons any kind of support. The sectarian regime must fall in order for us to have a semblance of a true nation that we can be proud off.
Further more, I find that these people who suport the Syrian regim to be out right traitors. Have they forgotten what the Syrian regim did to Lebanon? Have they forgotten that it is becuse of the Syrian regime that Lebanon is now teetering on the brink of civil war? Have they forgotten that the innocent syrian people are their brother and sisters? How many times have these very people decried the injustice done against them by tyrants and opressive external forces? Hoe can they with a clear consious suport a tyrant who is responsible for the death of more than 1,300 of his people? How can the suporters of the Assad regime conrinue to suport him wheninocent children are being trutrued, mutilated and murdered in cold blood like Thamer al-Shri age 15, and Hamza al Khateeb age 13, both of home where turtured, castrated and murdered in cold blood?
Do these pro-Assad suporters realy think that they are "men"? They are nothing more than opertunists suporting a Butcher and waiting for him to throw them scraps of bones to feed on.
It is time for the secterian regime in leabnon to fall.
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