Its been a long time coming, but news now is beginning to trickle in of soldiers defecting and protecting the unarmed civilians being slaughtered by the Syrian regime. Brave men who know the true meaning of being a soldier are doing what is required of them; sacrificing their lives to protect, not Bashar al Assad and his tyrannical regim, but those whom they have sworn to protect; the Syrian people.
Details are a little sketchy, but from what little real news we have, un-collored by the syrian state news outlests, and spoken by the voice of syrian citizens fleeing the violane in the north of the country, it would seem that several tanks and their crew turned around on the advancing forces of the regime and fiered upon their comrads in order to prevent them from murdering any more citizens at Jisr al-Shughur.
These are unarmed citizens which the regime insist on depicting as armed gangs.
This, hopefully, is the beginning of the end for the regime. As has happened in Libya, so it will happen in Syria, more soldiers will defect, followed by prominent politicians and other leading figures. one by one they will abandon the butcher of Syria, the illegitimate president, Bashar al-Assad, and eventually he will fall.
My only wish is for the violence to stop and the merciless torture and murder of innocent children, women and innocent civilians to end. Being a person who lived most of his childhood in war torn Lebanon, I do not wish this experience upon anyone. The kind of hell that the Syrian people are going through at the moment is terrible and we, the people of the world, are guilty of allowing matters to reach this far. The entire world has failed not only the Syrians but all those who share a similar fate across the world. I will not list the ways in which we have failed for they are far too many and the each reason has it its own long and dark history that stretches thousands of years. We have not learned the lessons of both world wars nor the cold war nor any war for that matter, and we continue to allow a weapon industry, greedy corporations with no conscience, extremists ideas of conservatives world wide and of any denomination, be they Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Shinto or what ever else there is out there. We have failed because we selfishly think of our own selves and our won comfort first and rarely care what happens to other half way across the world. I wonder what these people will do when they are faced with the same kind of horror.
It is time for the killings to end. it is time for all of us to shatter the chains that bind our souls in to the slavery of the life we have created for our selves in this world system that has declares us all equals, but in reality enslaves us all to its will and apathy and greed.
We have all failed the Syrian people, those who made deals with the regime and allowed it flourished in to what it is today, a butchers grinding machine.
Pray for the fallen innocents, for they deserved a life as good as the one we in the west have, but instead they got a bullet in the head, falling bombs, beatings to death, and mind numbing madness. Why should the innocents have to endure such a terrible fate while we live a life that relative to them is rather safe and comfortable. we worry about our paying our bills and making ends meet, but the truth is we have it easy. Yet, the same system that plagues us. the same system that makes us feel unhappy in this land of peace is the same system that is responsible for all the atrocities in Syria and other places today. This system that is defined by finance, currency, greed and those who care for nothing else other than the amount of money they will get out of condemning others to death weather directly or indirectly.
My the aspirations of the Syrian people come to be, and my they be free so that we may learn what it is to really be free.
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