Sunday, April 22, 2007

Another one of those days


ever had those days when nothing seemed to work... and every thing suddenly started to crap out?

got to work... my RAID system failed on me as i was digitizing footage.... fixed that problem and... POOF.. the electricity goes out... black out for one hour.... some suggested that its an earth day thing..... however i know better... this is oil country... it amazes me how everything seemed to suddenly stand still... everything became lifeless... blackouts are almost unheard of here in Dubai.. unlike Lebanon... where we are used to constant black outs..

so that problem was dealt with... electricity came back and suddenly my PDA craps out on me... don't ask me what happened... i don't know... i just know that i had to do a full reset to get it working again... well at least i could still use it as a phone... to receive calls that is... cause i lost all my contacts and i don't have any numbers memorised.. *sigh* any way... restoring the PDA system as I write...

then... the head of the machine room called me to say that the Panasonic frame rate converter was reporting an error... heh.. it was a borrowed piece of hardware and very expensive to replace... apparently it was failing to boot... thankfully it seemed to be afraid of me... cause when i restarted it ... it worked again... *ouff*

the day since then worked out fine...... so far.... lets see how the evening goes....

EDIT: on my way to a certain play... i got lost... for 2 hours... i was lost... i only figured out how to get home when i realised i was in ...... Sharja

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