We should thank Jumblat for his endorsement but he should be notified that when the change happens, he, and the rest of the old gang, including those who inherited their position from the old gang, will have no place in the new secular system.
While I like Jumblat for some reasons, him being a hilarious figure and comic relief and a few other reasons, we cannot forget that he was one of the civil war’s war lords and thus is responsible, in part, to the current state of affairs.
Nor do I trust him because of his constantly shifting allegiances.
As for the resistance against foreign forces (be they Israeli or Syrian) we either stand together as one nation in the face of such aggression or we risk more strife.
Lebanon has a right to resist foreign aggression. Such a resistance however should be conducted by the legitimate Lebanese armed forces that represent all of Lebanon and not by a militant faction that represents but one faction of the Lebanese population.
The resistance should be a Lebanese resistance not an Islamic resistance (and certainly not a Christian resistance in lieu of Syrian aggression)
We say yes to a Lebanese resistance, but we say no to armed groups (be they Hezbollah or otherwise) and no to a single faction taking on this responsibility on its own.
We either resist together or we do not.
In any event, the best resistance against Israel is not with the employment of weapons or violence. The best resistance against Israel is through knowledge, economic development, information and mass communication.
We should deny Israel any excuse that they can use against us for war or otherwise so that the Israeli state can be exposed for what it is. Something we cannot achieve if we resort to violence.
Furthermore, the real people of Israel have had enough and also want peace. As long as the Israeli government uses the fear of Hezbollah to quell the voices of decent the Israelis who want peace cannot maneuver as much as they would like. Take away that fear and we will be left with an Israeli government that is weekend and thus we resist by giving support to the peace loving human rights movements in Israel.
Furthermore, Jumblat’s opinion that
“Lebanon should either side with the western Israeli front or the Arab Islamic one”
is in itself statement that further promotes the sectarian divide within Lebanon. How can he endorses the secular movement and call for resistance against foreign influence when he clearly states that we should either allow American/Saudi/Israeli foreign interference or allow for Syrian/Iranian interference. Some of you may not be old enough to remember but it is exactly this, allowing foreign forces to interfere in the politics of Lebanon, that originally caused the civil war of which Jumblat was a vicious participant along with the same people that call themselves our leaders, March 14 and March 8.
His support for the secular movement in Lebanon is appreciated but we should not be fooled into believing this kind of hypocrisy when other words and actions clearly indicate his position to be opposite of the support he gives.
the real choices are that we either resist ALL foreign interference and fight against all those who threaten us militarily or otherwise and we do so united as Lebanese, or we allow our beloved country to continue falling in to the abyss that the sectarian system has pushed us into. We rise from the abyss together or not at all. Not to be swayed by March 8 and not to be swayed by March 14, both of which are guilty of bringing us to this point.
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