This should be a simple enough question to answer… right? Not at all… it is never easy answering a question like that… why does anyone abandon his home? Not for fun that’s for certain…
I love Lebanon. I always have. It’s where I grew up… it’s where I was born.
But love is not enough…. Even in relationships... Love is usually not enough… in any relationship there is a degree of sacrifice one must take in to account... you give up certain liberties or a way of life or you no longer make decisions without consulting your partner… whichever way you look at it, entering a relationship means that one has to sacrifice something in order for that relationship to work.
Any relationship demands that… the ideal relationship is when both parties sacrifice something, within reason, equally.
Problems start to arise when there is a sever misbalance in what one sacrifices... if one of the pair is sacrificing far too much to the degree that the person starts becoming something he or she is not or rather does not want to be.. .then there is a misbalance… one of the two sides is taking the other for granted and expects the other person to keep on sacrificing more and more until there is nothing left of them. And thus the relationship fails.
Lebanon is like that. I love Lebanon and I was always willing to sacrifice a part of me for the overall good.
But I am sure I am not the only one who feels this… we sacrifice… we sacrifice some more… and then we sacrifice even more and never get anything in return… people like us are taken for granted.
Here is an example for you…
From the moment we are born we are taught all about religion… well... not exactly “about” religion… we are taught in the religious ways of our respective region of origin… depending on what area of Lebanon.. This could be Islam, Christianity or Druze or whatever... the point is we are taught that religion and faith are the most important things in life... we are taught this as if being religious and having faith defines us as Lebanese… but therein lays a problem… Lebanon is a country that is excessively divers in its religions…. We are taught by religion that we should not kill... Not lie... not steal... and to be kind to those less fortunate…. Overall such teachings are wonderful…. But sadly most Lebanese seem to think that such teachings only apply to those of the same religion... it is also true of people who are of the same community… even those who are of the same blood.. .
I walk down the streets of Beirut and on every corner there is a mosque... a church... places of worship are all over the place… it is as if we only know how to show our piety by building places of worship…. Keep in mind that Lebanon is a small country and that real estate is a precious commodity…
I totally understand peoples need for worship and feeling spiritually closer to god…. I really understand that... in some ways such a thing is rather healthy for the human psyche... we all need something to believe in... However… all these places of worship... or most of them are built to commemorate a dead person... as if by building such a house of worship insures the deceased persons speedy entry to heaven..
I keep on walking and all I see on the streets are homeless people.. poor people.. people without much hope in life … and I start asking myself… why is this so… religion teaches that we should be kind to the less fortunate… in my book .. being kind to the less fortunate means making sure that they are well provided for… what would be more human and more pious and far more religiously compliant… building a house of worship for everyone to go and pray? All the holy books teach us that we can pray anywhere.. that we do not necessarily need a house of worship to pray at… would it not be better to actually build decent homes for all the homeless? Would it not be much more pious to build something that would have a tangible positive effect on the less fortunate? Would it not be better to build a center where the less fortunate are taught all sorts of various things that would help them improve their condition? Goes with the old saying.. Give a person a fish and that person will not feel hungry that day… teach a person how to fish and that person will never go hungry again.. (Unless all the toxic stuff we dump in to our sea and rivers and lakes kill all living things of course)
Some might think that my train of thought is blasphemous… “what could be more important than erecting a house of worship for people to bask in the glory, mercy and love of god” they might say
This is what I learned from studying ABOUT religion… (as opposed to being indoctrinated in to A religion)
No matter how much one prays.. no matter how many houses of worship one builds… no matter how much one adheres to religious duties like going to a house of worship, fasting, going on a pilgrimage…. One will not be absolved of their sins by simply adhering to religious duty without showing compassion… showing mercy.. Showing understanding.. showing tolerance… whether it is towards your own blood and kin… whether it is towards people of your same religion… or even towards those of other religions and race… if one is unkind… unmerciful.. Selfish..... Cares for no one other than himself… if this person cheats.. Steels.. abuses others… demeans others… Lies... has a lot of hate and promotes hate… this person will not earn forgiveness no matter how many times he prays… goes to a house of worship… fasts.. Etc… this is not my view… this is the basic teaching of any religion or code of law… take any religion or code of law... strip it down to its fundamentals... and one realises that the basic message is exactly the same across the board
Looking after one’s own interests, and only ones own interest, is not healthy… someone else will have to suffer… someone else will be miserable… why must this be so? Why should we as a nation allow this to be so? Religion is not a fashion statement.. religion is not a status symbol… houses of worship are nothing but a slab of concrete (or other martial) at which we congregate together to share our respect for what WE deem to be holy… yet we have become worshipers of holiness with no substance… the true act of a pious person is to build a place that would benefit as many people as possible…. A house of worship does not benefit anyone because everyone can pray where ever they choose…; in whatever environment or setting one chooses… homeless people have an extremely limited choice as to what environment they choose to live in and more often than not they end up living in substandard environments and settings that are not really fit for a modern human being… where is the piety in that
Moving on to another example
The law..
Everyone is equal before the law… right? At least that is what we are told…. But I find that this is extremely untrue….
For a Lebanese… as long as the perpetrator of crime knows someone of high standing, a political figure of some sort.. Or a person of substantial power… the perpetrator can pretty much get away with murder…. Where as a perpetrator who does not know a prominent (insert whatever here) person… the perpetrator is pretty much …. Screwed…
We are all equal in the eyes of the law? I don’t see that… I don’t know if anyone else does.. But I certainly do not see it....
Speaking of laws…. Do you people remember the days when we had a 101 TV stations? I agree that it was a mess that needed to be cleaned up… but why is it that the only TV stations left are those of prominent political/war lord/clan/tribal figures… how come these are the only stations that were allowed to remain in operation... These TV stations are the mouth pieces of the same political figures and feudal lords who are in essence … destroying Lebanon..
Back to the issue of sacrifice…
We all sacrifice for the benefit of the greater good…. We all pay our taxes (except those who evade them) we all pay our utility bills (except those who steel utilities).. How many taxes are in place… how many bills does one pay.. VAT.. telephone… customs.. electricity.. water… municipal taxes…mechanical taxes… etc.. etc.. we pay a lot of hidden and not so hidden taxes… and let us not forget the “thank you “ payments that we find ourselves paying for services that should be granted to any citizen... for those of you whom have not clued in on what I am talking about.... Bribery....what kind of service do we get in return?
We still have a poor infrastructure…
We still have electricity rationing..
We still have water rationing…
We still have a high level of poverty
We still have a terribly inefficient and barley functioning bureaucratic system
We still have a poor health care system
We still have a substandard education system…..
We still have crime.. And some of these crimes are perpetrated by the very people who are supposed to stop crime.
Since the civil war ended we are told that we can go and come as we please….
I understand that political figures these days need to be protected from “harm” but is it really necessary to cordon off entire areas just to insure the safety of one insignificant person who thinks he or she is important? What about the inconvenience that this creates to the regular people... school children who have to make a substantial detour to get to school… increased traffic jams… increased stress levels… all because some self important idiot needs to feel safe… what about the safety of regular people? Or are they insignificant?
Now.... I have heard many people say “oh this leader is an SOB he is gaining allot at our expense” or “oh that SOB just closed down x number of businesses so that his interests would have a monopoly” or “oh that SOB just remembered us now because it is election time... he will forget us once this round is over”
Yet... these same people still follow those same people ever so blindly... what is the matter with people... a person is pocking you with a hot iron rod... all you do is complain about it .. but when the time comes to do something about it... like make sure that this person is removed from power... when you the people have that power over them... what do you go do?.... you go and vote for them.... because once they are elected back in to their level of incompetence they are going to make life much better for you .. right? WRONG.... the only reason people go back and vote for these idiots is because these idiots play on your fears... “the (people of religion X) need to have more power.. vote for (person of religion Y) and we loos our foothold
Many competent people have left the country... these are the people who can actually rebuild Lebanon... make it a better place... but I am sure that the so called leaders are happy that such people are not in Lebanon... because if they were in Lebanon then they would have to do everything in their power to win them over... including buy them out... ruin their lives... drive them into obscurity... and then one wonders why Lebanon is in the dark ages.
Let us talk about foreign workers abuses... it is nice to have helpers... someone to clean for you... to cook for you... to do your laundry... to go get things for you.... but you know what... slavery is not a human thing... I am not saying that helpers should be abolished.. though I would like to see that... I am saying that foreign workers need to be afforded their rights... you cannot hold a worker hostage.. you may not take away their passport.. you may not deny them their pay... most of them have families back home to whom they send money too.. so that they can survive... these workers are sacrificing their lives so that their family may survive... and what do many Lebanese do to these workers... they are beaten.. they are over worked.. they are under paid.. they are sexually harassed and abused... and once the slave owners are done with them.... they cast them out... that is if the worker does not commit suicide first... is this what you call religious piety? People who do horrible things to other humans may never be considered to be religious... people who infringe on other people’s rights are... according to their own religion’s teachings.... committing grave sins.... (again these are the words of religious texts and not mine)
We are now in the 21st century... women in Lebanon still do not stand on an equal level with men... why is that... why are women still treated like they are property... whether it is by a husband.. father.. Brother... whatever... why do you men still treat women as though they where your property? Seriously.. i would love to see the roles completely reversed... how would men react if they were treated like property.. sad.. I was in cab one day and I saw a woman who was holding her childe and arguing with her husband... the husband out of the blue just slapped the women so hard that she fell to her side with the child... what kind of a man is that? In my book this is a week man... a person who can only feel like he is a man when he demonstrates his brut strength on someone much weaker... because if that man was to demonstrate his strength to someone who can match him... he would probably cower and walk away... MEN WHO HIT WOMEN ARE COWARDS.. men who treat women like property are absolutely week and insecure and are compensating for something they lack... (use your imagination.. i don’t want this document to be too “colourful”)
I left Lebanon because I could no longer stand the injustice… I could no longer stand the lies perpetrated by the religious cast or the business class or the political class… l left Lebanon because I could no longer stand the substandard service provided… I left Lebanon because I found the education I received at a high price was below average… I left Lebanon because the people.. The institutions (religious, public and private) the politicians… the corruption.. All of that and more… took me and many many … MENY others …. Absolutely for granted….
We all gave.. And gave … and gave… and this is the only thank you we get.. Not a better Lebanon.. Not a peaceful Lebanon.. .not a hate ridden Lebanon.. Not a tolerant Lebanon… but a Lebanon that is rife with corruption, ignorance, bigotry and foolishness at all levels of society.
I must be a fool to think that we Lebanese can again become a civilized and respected nation….
I must be a fool to dream that Lebanon can be greater than what it is
I must be a fool to even suggest that Lebanon is a place worthy of living or that it is a country with a solid culture..
However.. Even if I am to be branded a fool... I at least will dream of a better Lebanon... because sadly... that is all I am allowed to do.. every time I try to do something else.. I get shot down and disappointed. Wel... that is not entirely true.. there are a few faint, rare but successful cases out there.. If you know where to look and how to look.. you will see them and find them.. They are the quiet majority.. They are the ones whom are not aligned with X, Y or Z... they are the REAL Lebanese ... they are not Muslims.. they are not Christians.. they are not Druze... they are not (insert religious belief here)... they ARE , however, LEBANESE. I really hope that these people will rise up and make themselves known... now is the time more than ever before...
For the time being... all I can do is dream of what could have been...
I left Lebanon because my mind, body, soul and heart could no longer accept that my dreams are just dreams... I left because the idiots running the country... the same idiots whom are elected by some people rather too blindly.. the lies of the religious institutions.... the corruption... all of that and more... are ruing my country..
It is always easy to blame outsiders..... we blame the Israelis... we blame the Syrians.. we blame the English and the French and the ottomans... we blame all these external entries and accuse them of interfering and occupying our beloved Lebanon.... but the simple truth of the matter is that even with the Israelis and the Syrians and everyone else now no longer physically occupying Lebanese soil.. we.. the people of Lebanon are still occupied... we are occupied by the religious institutions... we are occupied by the corrupt politicians... and we are occupied by the blind sheep like followers of these corrupt politicians... every time someone votes for them... the vote goes in favour of Lebanon being occupied by these destructive internal entities...
All I can do is dream... for now...
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