I agree with the remarks of Hezbollah that the March 14 camp is upping the anti with their ill-conceived rhetoric and may cause strife in Lebanon.
The March 14 camp is not fighting a clean fight. they are, again, using sectarian fears to fuel the fire of strife and this is unacceptable. if the people are blind enough to fall victims to such repugnant tactics then there is no hope to achieve peace and stability in Lebanon. march 14 is playing with matches in an enclosed room full of gunpowder and it will eventually blow up in their face and harm more innocent people than those who deserve to be burnt.
Having made clear my opinion on the March 14 camp's ill-advised fear tactics, which are probably backed up by their western allies and the indignation of the spoilt child who thinks he can be prim minister, Hariri that is, backed up by his fellow sectarian, war mongering extremists war lords of the march 14 camp, who by the way, are only using him and will eventually back stab him when he least expected it. these fear tactics being implemented by march 14 must end now before the match sparks a massive explosion.
On the other hand, I do not sport Hezbollah's proclaimed right to bare arms. Legitimate or not, the right to resists foreign invaders belongs to the Lebanese Armed Forces and not a specific militant faction within Lebanon's divers demographic make up. there is more than one way to fight the external forces who threaten us, be they the Israelis or the Syrians, for let us be frank and clearly state that the resistance is not just against the Israeli threat but also against the Syrian threat and all other foreign hands meddling in our affairs. the resistance against any foreign aggression is legitimate, the arms in any hands other than that of the Lebanese Armed forces is in no way justified or legitimate. Hezbollah must see sens, swallow their macho pride and give up their weapons immediately because weather March 14's tactics are fueling the fires of civil strife or not, the presence of Hezbollah arms do pose a threat to the general welfare of the Lebanese people. Hezbollah is fast becoming the bully of the country, even though they have exercised remarkable restraint. it takes just one false step for a man to loose his mind and bring us hurtling down the spiral of chaos once more.
I do not support march 14 and i find that the leaders of the march 14 camp are, indeed, fueling civil strife in order to satisfy their personal greedy and selfish desires. but this does not mean i am going to sit back and lend my support to an armed militia that has created a state within a state and operates as it chooses with impunity. the March 8 camp is just as much to be blamed for the current dangerous situation in Lebanon of which only the innocent will suffer from. the March 14 camp need to shut their traps and start thinking about the people just as much as the march 8 camp must do the same with the addition of Hezbollah disbanding its militia and hand in their weapons to the Lebanese army. Hezbollah must proceed as a purly political force with no military arm what soever if they they truly wish to serve the interests of the Lebanese people. serving the interests of just one faction of the Lebanese people is not acceptable. either we stand together as Lebanese or we do not. there is no other choice. both camps must come to this realization before we are pushed in to the deep abyss of civil strife. both camps must now listen to the will of the independent and free people of Lebanon who will, eventually, rise up against both sides and bring them to heal.
We the people of Lebanon have had enough of both the March 14 and the March 8 camps and we tell both as clearly as possible, end your stupidity peacefully right now or face the ugly consequences that will soon follow if you do not.